Today the boys and I unbag all six of the Skylanders SuperChargers toys found at McDonalds. See what you can get in your SuperChargers happy meal.
McDonalds SuperChargers Toy Unbagging
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Today the boys and I unbag all six of the Skylanders SuperChargers toys found at McDonalds. See what you can get in your SuperChargers happy meal.
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Today we unbox a couple of Skylanders SuperChargers Remote Controlled Cars. One car is Spitfire and the Hot Streak and the other is Fiesta and the Crypt Crusher. See what the boys think of them as we get them out of the boxes and test them out!
Earlier this month Activision released a wave of new “Power Blue” Skylanders for SuperChargers. Today we unbox these four special Skylanders aimed to bring awareness to Autism. Join us as the boys open Power Blue Splat, Power Blue Splatter Splasher, Power Blue Trigger Happy, and Power Blue Gold Rusher.
We have finally found and collected everything we need from the Wave 4 release of Skylanders SuperChargers characters. Enjoy as we open everything we needed in our SuperCharged Wave 4 Unboxing!
Well, here we are with another Wave 3 unboxing for Skylanders SuperChargers. After Christmas we’ve seen the slow release of a number of “special” characters and dual packs. We’ve picked up the ones we found and needed, and now we have another unboxing of Wave 3 characters. Maybe it’s more like Wave 3.5 as these special variants don’t really stick to the typical wave releases of characters. In this unboxing we have the Turbo Charge Donkey Kong, and Barrel Blaster dual pack, The Sky Racing Pack featuring Astroblast and the Sun Runner, the Target exclusive Nitro Soda Skimmer, the Toys R Us exclusive Legendary Bone Bash Roller Brawl, and Birthday Bash Big Bubble Pop Fizz.
Today we unbox Eon’s Elite Year 2 characters. All of these characters came out during the Skylanders SuperChargers game and are the second year’s installment of Eon’s Elite characters. This year includes six characters: Ghost Roaster, Voodood, Boomer, Dino-Rang, Slam Bam and Zook.
We finally got our hands on all of the Single Pack Skylanders and vehicles expected in Wave 3 for SuperChargers. The characters came out first a couple weeks ago, and we picked most of those up. Missle-Tow Dive-Clops and Nightfall got a special “First at GameStop” release so we waited for those. After not seeing any of the vehicles in all that time and figuring that GameStop might have promoted them if they were expecting them, we went ahead and did our Wave 3 Character Unboxing. But wouldn’t you know, the next day I stopped by Toys R Us, and the vehicles were out, so I picked them up and we did a second video which we have added to our first video. So enjoy our SuperChargers SuperCharged Wave 3 Unboxing!
As a collector and owner of multiple gaming systems, it is inevitable that I end up buying multiple versions of Skylanders. This year with the inclusion of Nintendo specific Skylanders as part of the SuperChargers Starter Packs, it’s made it a little worse. Through some sales and credit card rewards certificates, I’ve collected most of the Nintendo versions that I want. I got the Wii U version so Lias can play when I’m playing other games on the TV. Conner likes the 3DS version because he prefers to play games on the 3DS. And I got the Wii version because it’s a different game altogether (though it is the same as the 3DS version) and I rather play the Skylanders Racing on the TV. So here is our SuperChargers Nintendo SuperCharged Unboxings of all three of those starter packs to give you a look at the Nintendo specific characters and vehicles.
We recently picked up the Legendary Sky Racing Pack for Skylanders SuperChargers. This may be a late entry into the Wave 2 set of Skylanders, or maybe since it’s exclusive to Toys R Us, maybe it just doesn’t belong to a wave. Either way, the boys wanted to use Legendary Astroblast right away, so we did not want to wait for Wave 3 to come out to unbox this one. Enjoy our Legendary Sky Racing Pack Unboxing.
We’re back! It’s been only six days since we unboxed our first haul of our Wave 1 characters and game for Skylanders SuperChargers. Wave 2 is a little smaller but that is to be expected with less characters and vehicles to collect this year. So today we unbox the Wave 2 individual character packs (Smash Hit, High Volt, Burn-Cycle, Shark Tank, Stealth Stinger, and Jet Stream) which hit Toys R Us and Amazon today. They should hit other retailers soon, as will the first Triple Pack and a couple of dual packs if you are waiting for deals.