SuperChargers Wave 3 Unboxing (Part 2)

SuperCharged Wave 3 Unboxing Part 2Well, here we are with another Wave 3 unboxing for Skylanders SuperChargers. After Christmas we’ve seen the slow release of a number of “special” characters and dual packs. We’ve picked up the ones we found and needed, and now we have another unboxing of Wave 3 characters. Maybe it’s more like Wave 3.5 as these special variants don’t really stick to the typical wave releases of characters. In this unboxing we have the Turbo Charge Donkey Kong, and Barrel Blaster dual pack, The Sky Racing Pack featuring Astroblast and the Sun Runner, the Target exclusive Nitro Soda Skimmer, the Toys R Us exclusive Legendary Bone Bash Roller Brawl, and Birthday Bash Big Bubble Pop Fizz.

SuperChargers Wave 3 Unboxing (Part 2)

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Nintendo Announces New Skylanders / Amiibos

Nintendo Announces New Skylanders/AmiibosAt the Nintendo Direct for E3, Activision unveiled two new Skylanders and two new Signature Vehicles coming specifically to the Nintendo versions of SuperChargers. These characters will be Skylanders in the Skylanders game, but a unique twist of their base will transform the characters into Amiibos to be used in other Amiibo supported Nintendo titles. Hammer Slam Bowser, and Turbo Charge Donkey Kong will be the two new Skylanders. They will be driving the Clown Cruiser and Barrel Blaster respectively. Nintendo Announces New Skylanders/AmiibosFrom looking at the characters closely, it appears that Turbo Charge Donkey Kong will be a Life Element, and Hammer Slam Bowser will be a Fire Element. I can only assume that these are in addition to the already mentioned 20 characters and vehicles available to the game but I have not heard any word from Activision about this yet. These are the first Skylanders to be platform specific, so if you want to play with these characters you will want to grab one of the Nintendo versions of Skylanders SuperChargers.

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