Kaos – Villain Review

Kaos - Villain ReviewKaos – Villain Review

Kaos is a Dark Portal Master who is the ultimate evil in all of Skylands! At least he claims he is. Ever since he was an infant, he has demonstrated to have an insatiable hunger for absolute power. As an infant he had once seized control of his nursery with his “Evil Baby Army of Evil Drool”! The uprising was eventually crushed at nap-time. Kaos went to one of the best evil schools for magical villainy. This is where he met Glumshanks. He persuaded Glumshanks to be his evil servant with the promise of career growth. However, they were both expelled when Kaos appeared as a giant floating head at a school assembly and ate the gymnasium. Today, the unpromoted and under appreciated Glumshanks remains at Kaos’s side as he continues to come up with plan after plan to take over Skylands and become the “Ultimate Evil Overlord”! Some think he’s just trying to impress his immensely powerful and overbearing mother who is also a Dark Portal Master. Either way, most agree that Kaos should never be underestimated.

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Golden Queen – Villain Review

Golden Queen - Villain ReviewGolden Queen – Villain Review

The Golden Queen is an Earth trappable villain and is the leader of the Doom Raiders in Skylanders Trap Team. She is a wicked queen made entirely of gold and is rich beyond her wildest imagination. But that isn’t enough for the Golden Queen. If there is more to be had, then have it she wants. So she stole and stole and stole, but it was never enough, there was always more to be had. Through evil sorcery she even learned how to turn people and objects into solid gold. However, that was still not enough. The idea that there was treasure in Skylands that was not hers infuriated her. She began a quest to take every last cent of it, but she couldn’t do it alone. That is when she formed the Doom Raiders – the most notorious group of villains ever assembled. She promised riches, world domination, and even all-you-can-eat shrimp just to recruit special criminals to her cause. Together they terrorized Skylands until Master Eon and the Trap Masters put a stop to them and locked them up in Cloudcracker Prison!

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Wolfgang – Villain Review

Wolfgang - Villain ReviewWolfgang – Villain Review

Wolfgang is an Undead trappable villain that you can capture after defeating him at the end of the thirteenth level – The Future of Skylands in Skylanders Trap Team. Wolfgang wasn’t always a werewolf. He used to be a brilliant musician who was set to marry a beautiful princess. Before the wedding he planned to release his ultimate symphony. He was convinced that all of Skylands would love it and crown him as the best composer of all time. Unfortunately no one liked it. It actually physically hurt people to listen to it. Wolfgang had unintentionally discovered the musical note for pain. All of the people in Skylands shunned Wolfgang, and the princess refused to marry him. This drove Wolfgang completely mad, transforming him into the werewolf he is today. With his life in ruins, he turned to a life of crime, terrorizing the royal subjects and using his music as a weapon. The Golden Queen realized that Wolfgang could make a powerful ally as long as she could control his rage and keep him in line. That is when Wolfgang joined the Doom Raiders.

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Dr. Krankcase – Villain Review

Dr KrankcaseDr. Krankcase – Villain Review

Dr. Krankcase is a Tech trappable villain that you can capture after defeating him at the end of the eleventh level – Wilikin Workshop. Dr. Krankcase is not the healing kind of doctor. In fact, no one really knows what he is a doctor of. However, his technical engineering achievements are legendary. His success lies in his glowing green goo which makes wooden objects come to life and turn evil. This unique skill made him a valuable asset for the Doom Raiders who have plenty of need for evil wooden creatures. Dr. Krankcase was also an inspiration to Kaos who used the Dr.’s research to create his own wooden creatures, the Wilikin. Kaos was also a fan of Dr. Krankcase’s interest in world domination and doom engineering.

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Dreamcatcher – Villain Review

Dreamcatcher - Villain ReviewDreamcatcher – Villain Review

Dreamcatcher is an Air trappable villain that you will be able to capture at the end of the eighth level – Telescope Towers. The Dreamcatcher is another one of the Doom Raiders who you will be able to trap if you have an Air Trap. Cloudcracker Prison wasn’t the first prison she ever broke out of. She also escaped the Lucid Lockdown from within the Realm of Dreams. She even broke out of the dream realm itself. She has the power to read your mind and to bring your worst nightmares to life. She has driven entire villages mad just for the fun of it. It was this playfully evil nature which attracted the Golden Queen to her. The Golden Queen needed a psychic for her evil schemes and for some relationship advice. The Dreamcatcher loved to gossip as much as coming up with a cunning plans so she gladly joined the Doom Raiders. However, due to her mischievous nature, the Golden Queen has not quite trusted her relationship advice.

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Pain-Yatta – Villain Review

Pain-Yatta – Villain Review

Pain-Yatta - Villain ReviewPain-Yatta is a Magic element villain that is hanging around Level 8 – Telescope Towers. You will find that Pain-Yatta is filled with candy, and evil. I’m not sure who’s idea it was to turn a pinata into a minion of evil, but I think it was a pretty genius idea. Pain-Yatta uses the sweet candy he has been filled with for years, to exact revenge on all those who ever raised a stick at him and everyone else in Skylands. He can either barf candy at his enemies or to smack them with his giant lollipop. Either way his foes are in for a sweet surprise. And did you know that he also had an ear for music? Well, not really, but he does make a nice bodyguard and is the favorite escort of the Gecko Chorus. You’ll find that out, when you take on his quest in Level 10 – The Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink.

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Shrednaught – Villain Review

Shrednaught – Villain Review

Shrednaught - Villain Review Shrednaught is a Tech element villain that you will find shredding up the Pheonix Psanctuary. Shrednaught is not your average villain, it’s actually 2 Trolls, 1 giant chainsaw, and unlimited possibilities. It’s hard to tell if the trolls are brothers, friends, or just two villains forced to work together. They refer to each other as Troll 1 and Troll 2 so they don’t seem to have any interest in names. They do work well enough together to control the biggest chainsaw mech ever built (by trolls that is). The blade of the chainsaw even spins around making it a fearsome device to all who lay eyes on it (again mostly just trolls). Shreadnaught is a loyal villain to Kaos. Luckily for the Skylanders though, Shrednaught is easily persuaded. After a slight beating and some time in a Tech trap, the trolls will be ready to switch their allegiance to the Skylanders.

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Bomb Shell – Villain Review

Bomb Shell – Villain Review

Bomb Shell - Villain Review Bomb Shell is a Magic element villain that you will find spinning around on the decks of Level 5 – Chef Zeppelin. Even though he could easily be a fire, or earth type, it’s Bomb Shell’s ability to conjure up magical bombs that defines his Magic element. That reminds me: Did you hear the one about the tortoise and the bomb? No? I don’t know why not? He was famous! He was a real Shellebrity! Unfortunately I don’t think Bomb Shell is going to be a Shellebrity any time soon. The combination of bombs and a turtle might sound like a popular combination, but Bomb Shell is just a little too mediocre to become famous.

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Masker Mind – Villain Review

Masker Mind – Villain Review

Masker MindMasker Mind is an undead element villain that you will find haunting Level 6 – Rainfish Riviera. Even though he’s undead, it seems like he relies on a lot of magic to control his enemies. He believes that everyone is entitled to HIS opinion. He’ll make sure this happens through dark sorcery, where he can take control of an enemy’s mind for a spell. He also uses a telekinetic push to keep his enemies at bay. Once you can prove that hypnosis is real then Masker Mind will become even stronger. Even once he has evolved though, you may find that Masker Mind is better left to his own thoughts.

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Brawl & Chain – Villain Review

Brawl & Chain – Villain Review

Brawl & Chain - Villain ReviewBrawl & Chain is the second angry walrus pirate villain that you will meet on your adventures through Skylands. The first was Brawlrus which we have previously reviewed. This angry walrus pirate though is actually a water element villain as you might expect. He does have chains for arms and sharp hooks for hands so he too could technically qualify to be a Tech villain. But I guess you can’t have almost the same character in the exact same element, that would be too noticeable. You know what they say: No chains, no pain so I guess he does make a good villain with his chain arms and all.  You can judge for yourself after you capture him on level 6 – Rainfish Riviera.

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