Bat Spin – Skylander Review

Bat Spin – Skylander Review

Bat Spin - Skylander ReviewBat Spin is a new Undead core Skylander making her debut in Skylanders Trap Team. She comes from the underworld, where as a child she was separated from her people. She searched for them for months but was unable to find them. She did find a colony of magical bats who welcomed her and raiser her as one of their own. She spent many years living with the bats, then one day their colony was invaded by an army of Undead Trolls. Bat Spin used the powerful abilities that she had learned from the bats growing up and essentially turned into one of them. She defeated the army of trolls and saved her colony. This caught the attention of Master Eon who saw at once that she would make a great Skylander.

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Wolfgang – Villain Review

Wolfgang - Villain ReviewWolfgang – Villain Review

Wolfgang is an Undead trappable villain that you can capture after defeating him at the end of the thirteenth level – The Future of Skylands in Skylanders Trap Team. Wolfgang wasn’t always a werewolf. He used to be a brilliant musician who was set to marry a beautiful princess. Before the wedding he planned to release his ultimate symphony. He was convinced that all of Skylands would love it and crown him as the best composer of all time. Unfortunately no one liked it. It actually physically hurt people to listen to it. Wolfgang had unintentionally discovered the musical note for pain. All of the people in Skylands shunned Wolfgang, and the princess refused to marry him. This drove Wolfgang completely mad, transforming him into the werewolf he is today. With his life in ruins, he turned to a life of crime, terrorizing the royal subjects and using his music as a weapon. The Golden Queen realized that Wolfgang could make a powerful ally as long as she could control his rage and keep him in line. That is when Wolfgang joined the Doom Raiders.

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Short Cut – Skylander Review

Short Cut – Skylander Review

Short CutShort Cut is a new Undead Trap Master making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. Short Cut made the finest clothing in all of Skylands. His magic shears could cut through any cloth, any thread, and follow any pattern. One day a fleet of skeleton pirates appeared in flying ships. They had just stolen a cargo of golden yarn from some local fortunetellers. The pirate captain demanded that Short Cut use the yarn to make him a magic hat that would tell him the future of anyone in Skylands. Short Cut did not want his worked used for evil, so that night while all the pirates were sleeping on their ships, he snuck onto the ships and sewed together the pants and shirts of the sleeping pirates so they couldn’t fight. Then he took his magic shears and cut all of the sails and wrapped them around the ships which prevented the pirates from escaping. Master Eon found out about his brave capturing of the pirates and offered to make him a member of the Trap Team. Now Short Cut uses his Traptanium Shears to cut evil’s future short.

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Masker Mind – Villain Review

Masker Mind – Villain Review

Masker MindMasker Mind is an undead element villain that you will find haunting Level 6 – Rainfish Riviera. Even though he’s undead, it seems like he relies on a lot of magic to control his enemies. He believes that everyone is entitled to HIS opinion. He’ll make sure this happens through dark sorcery, where he can take control of an enemy’s mind for a spell. He also uses a telekinetic push to keep his enemies at bay. Once you can prove that hypnosis is real then Masker Mind will become even stronger. Even once he has evolved though, you may find that Masker Mind is better left to his own thoughts.

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Krypt King and Nitro Krypt King – Skylander Review

Krypt King and Nitro Krypt King – Skylander Review

Krypt King and Nitro Krypt King - Skylander Review Krypt KingKrypt King is a new Undead Trap Master making his debut in Trap Team. Krypt King also has an alternate variant called Nitro Krypt King which is exclusive to Target.  Krypt King used to wander Skylands as a spirit of a knight. One day he found an ancient Arkeyan weapon vault. Within the vault he found an extremely powerful suit of armor. When he put on the armor, it triggered the vault’s defense system. Alarms blared and a massive sealed chamber opened revealing a huge army of war machines. Krypt King leapt into action. Using a giant sword that he had also found in the vault, he swung and chopped until the army was completely destroyed. Krypt King realized that he was in control of a great power and wanted to put it to better use. So he sought out the Skylanders and was made a member of the Trap Team. Now he uses his Traptanium Broadsword to cut down evil.

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Quick Draw Rattle Shake Available Now at TRU

Quick Draw Rattle Shake Available NowI got a surprise e-mail from Toys R Us this morning. Apparently they have limited quantities of Quick Draw Rattle Shake available now in store only. The character doesn’t even show up online. So you may want to call or stop by your local store. Quick Draw Rattle Shake was previously only available by winning the Frito-Lay Skylander Contest back in November of 2013. That’s how we got ours, but if you are still looking for him and don’t want to pay the outrageous e-bay prices. Now would be the time to pick him up!

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Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack Unboxing

Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack UnboxingToday Conner shows us the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack unboxing for Skylanders Swap Force. The Arkeyan Crossbow is a magical helper item that helps with attacking for a short period. It also unlocks new arenas to battle in. The pack comes with Thorn Horn Camo, and Grim Creeper, and I believe it is the only way to get Thorn Horn Camo at this time. Give it a watch and let us know what you think about the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack.




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Phantom Cynder Unboxing

Phantom Cynder UnboxingWatch as Conner salutes in this Phantom Cynder unboxing video. (Why? I don’t know. He comes up with the strangest things sometimes.) It’s also one of his easiest unboxings yet. However, after pronouncing Phantom Cynder correctly the first time he quickly falls back into his bad habit. He also asks a very important question which I can’t really answer.


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