Swap Force Arena Battles – Sand Castle

Sand Castle ThumbWith the excitement building over Skylanders Trap Team, which comes out in less than a month. My youngest and I are trying to go back and explore some of the extra content from the battle packs. This is a look at the first arena battle in the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack. It was a little more involved and slightly different from the other arenas that came with the main game. We also tackle it with a couple of Skylanders who were below the suggested level of 16 to 20. See how we did, and tell us what you think of the Sand Castle Arena.


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Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack Unboxing

Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack UnboxingToday Conner shows us the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack unboxing for Skylanders Swap Force. The Arkeyan Crossbow is a magical helper item that helps with attacking for a short period. It also unlocks new arenas to battle in. The pack comes with Thorn Horn Camo, and Grim Creeper, and I believe it is the only way to get Thorn Horn Camo at this time. Give it a watch and let us know what you think about the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack.




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