After checking out several of the retail websites this morning, it became obvious that most of the SuperChargers Wave 1 characters are available for Pre-Order at several popular retailers. It also showed a couple of new exclusives and alternate versions which are also available for Pre-Order. Best Buy also showed a couple of Dual Packs available for pre-order, but these have a release date of 10/2. This possibly could be the date for Wave 2, so stay tuned. In the past Wave 2 follows almost immediately after Wave 1, so it’s possible. It also doesn’t say what is in the dual packs, so it could be combos of Skylanders released with Wave 1. For example, the dual pack could include maybe Stormblade and the Sky Slicer, or it could be a brand new Skylander and vehicle combo. My bet would be on Skylanders that have already come out in single packs, so you may want to wait. You would only about $3 on a pair though, so it might be worth getting them separately. We probably will know soon, as Best Buy will probably update their website any day. For now lets’ check out what is available for Wave 1.
UPDATE: Well, this morning I got an e-mail from GameStop, and sure enough they advertised that Frightful Fiesta will be “first” at GameStop. I guess even Skylanders now have timed exclusives. Also, Target is showing a Nitro Stealth Stinger, but only if you search for Skylanders and not SuperChargers.
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