Roller Brawl

Roller Brawl
"Let's Roll!"

Roller Brawl Retailers

Roller Brawl grew up with five older vampire brothers, who were all very big and overprotective. Being the smallest of her family, she learned how to use her speed and cunning to become one of the toughest jammers in the Undead Roller Derby League. It was during the championship match when she caught the eye of Kaos, who fell head-over-heels in love with her. But when her overprotective brothers stepped in, Kaos had them captured by Drow and taken prisoner. Roller Brawl swore revenge, but even with her impressive skills, she was no match for an entire Drow army. Having developed a strong distaste for evil, she joined up with the Skylanders to fight against Kaos – while never giving up on her search for her brothers.

Roller Brawl is a new Undead Skylander debuting in Swap Force. She is a Wave 1 release Skylander.

Roller Brawl Unboxing


    Card Stats
In Game Stats
Attack: 60  Max Health260
Defense:55  Speed50
Speed: 150  Armor12
Luck:45  Critical Hit8
  Elemental Power25


All Attacks
Roller ClawsPress Attack 1 to slash at nearby enemies.Free
Derby DashPress Attack 2 to dash and damage nearby enemies when starting the dash. Press Attack 1 or Attack 2 to attack while dashing.Free
SkatebladesPress Attack 3 to shoot skate blades that travel along the ground towards enemies.500 Gold
Impact SkaterAll attacks while dashing do increased damage.700 Gold
Deadly ClotheslineHold Attack 2 to charge a dash, release to dash forward and clothesline any enemies in the way.900 Gold
AggressionNew sharpened blades make claw attacks do increased damage.1200 Gold
Shadow Skater Path
PirouetteHold Attack 1 during a dash to do a spin attack that damages nearby enemies.1700 Gold
Hardened HelmA new helmet increases Roller Brawl's armor, reducing damage taken.2200 Gold
BullrushHold Attack 2 during a dash to bullrush enemies, damaging and knocking them back.3000 Gold
Skateblade Siren Path
Skateblade TrapPress Attack 3 while dashing to leave behind a trap that damages nearby enemies.1700 Gold
Critical ClawsNew claws increases Roller Brawl's Critical Hit chance.2200 Gold
Spinning SawsHold Attack 3 to create saws that spin around Roller Brawl.3000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Cursed HelmetPress Attack 2 while dashing to head-butt an enemy and create a curse link. Touch enemies with the link to damage them!4000 Gold




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