Volcanic Lava Barf Eruptor

Volcanic Eruptor
"Born to Burn!"

Volcanic Lava Barf Eruptor Retailers

Eruptor is a force of nature, hailing from a species that lived deep in the underground of a floating volcanic island until a massive eruption launched their entire civilization to the surface. He's a complete hot head -- steaming, fuming, and quite literally erupting over almost anything. To help control his temper, he likes to relax in lava pools, particularly because there are no crowds.

Volcanic Lava Barf Eruptor is a special variant of Lava Barf Eruptor found in Swap Force. He is a Wave 1 release Skylander packaged with the Nintendo 3DS starter pack of Skylanders Swap Force. He has six other variants across all Skylander games: Eruptor (Spyro's Adventure), Eruptor Series 2 (Giants), Lightcore Eruptor (Giants), Lava Barf Eruptor Series 3 (Swap Force), Elite Eruptor (Eon's Elite), and Lava Lance Eruptor (SuperChargers).

Swap Force 3DS Unboxing

(Featuring Volcanic Lava Barf Eruptor):


    Card Stats
In Game Stats
Attack: 110  Max Health290
Defense:95  Speed35
Speed: 35  Armor18
Luck:70  Critical Hit6
  Elemental Power25


All Attacks
Lava LobPress Attack 1 to lob blobs of lava at your enemies.Free
EruptionPress Attack 2 to erupt into a pool of lava, damaging enemies all around you.Free
Big Blob Lava ThrowLava Blob attack gets bigger and does increased damage.500 Gold
Fiery RemainsLava Blobs leave behind pools of flame when they hit the ground. 700 Gold
Eruption - Flying TephraLava balls shoot out while performing the Eruption attack.900 Gold
Magma BallPress Attack 3 to spit out Magma Balls.1200 Gold
Magmantor Path
Heavy Duty PlasmaLava Blobs bounce and travel further.1700 Gold
Lava Blob BombLava Blobs explode and damage nearby enemies.2200 Gold
Lava Blobs do increased damage in the form of fiery beast.While burrowed, your dorsal fin does damage to enemies.3000 Gold
Volcanor Path
Quick EruptionIt takes much less time to perform an Eruption attack.1700 Gold
Pyroxysmal Super EruptionEruption attack does increased damage.2200 Gold
Revenge of PrometheusEruption causes small volcanoes to form, doing extra damage. Prerequisite: Pyroxysmal Super Eruption3000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Mega Magma BallsShoot up to three Magma Balls at a time that do extra damage. Prerequisite: Magma Ball4000 Gold
Wow Pow!
Lava Barf 2 - Barf Harder!Press Attack 3 to release Magma Balls, then hold Attack 3 to eat them and immediately barf them back for extra damage.5000 Gold

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