Trap Team Arena Battles – Brock’s Rumble Clubhouse

Trap Team Arena Battles - Brocks Rumble ClubhouseToday Lias and I play through the last set of Trap Team Arena Battles called Brock’s Rumble Clubhouse. First we show you how to unlock this last set, in case you don’t know how. I spend most of the time using Spotlight, while Lias mostly uses Thunderbolt and Wolfgang. Check it out!



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Trap Team Arena Battles – Exhaust Junction

Trap Team Arena Battles - Exhaust JunctionWelcome to the fourth installment of Trap Team Arena Battles. Today Lias and I take on the Exhaust Junction. This is the most challenging (and frustrating) set of arenas we’ve played yet. Guess which one of us gets frustrated and guess which one of us takes it all in stride? We are forced to use a couple of our best ranged characters in this installment so most of the battles are fought with Bushwhack, Wildfire, and Gusto. Give it a watch and let us know if these levels frustrated you as much as it did us.


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Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack Unboxing

Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack UnboxingToday Conner shows us the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack unboxing for Skylanders Swap Force. The Arkeyan Crossbow is a magical helper item that helps with attacking for a short period. It also unlocks new arenas to battle in. The pack comes with Thorn Horn Camo, and Grim Creeper, and I believe it is the only way to get Thorn Horn Camo at this time. Give it a watch and let us know what you think about the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack.




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Swap Force Arena Battles – Icicle Bombing

Swap Force Arena Battles - Icicle BombingLias and I are back with another Swap Force Arena Battle. This one proves to be much more difficult than the last. Harder enemies, a curse, and ice cannons that provide a near constant bombarding of icicles through the middle of the arena keep us on our toes. Check it out as Lias uses Quick Draw Rattle Shake and I use Magna Charge as we take on Icicle Bombing. Let us know what you think of this arena.


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Swap Force Arena Battles – Snake in the Hole

Swap Force Battle Arenas - Snake in the Hole ThumbLias and I show off another Swap Force Arena called Snake in the Hole. This is another “Boss Level” type arena where you not only have to fight off waves of enemies, but you also have to fight a giant Snake. Today we use Spy Rise and Rubble Rouser to try to charm the snake.

Check it out and let us know what you think of Snake in the Hole!


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Swap Force Arena Battles – Shellshocks Curse

Swap Force Arena Battles Shellshocks CurseLias and I are back with another look at a Swap Force Arena. Today we play in Shellshocks Curse with Dark Mega Ram Spyro and Zoo Lou. This arena uses the same pit from the previous Arena: Sand-Pit-Fall. But this time it throws a curse cloud into the mix. This makes capturing the food thief, that much more important. Watch and see how we do.

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Swap Force Arena Battles – Sand-Pit-Fall

Sand-Pit-Fall Swap Force Arena BattlesLias and I take on our fifth Arena Battle in Skylanders Swap Force called Sand-Pit-Fall. We must battle enemies while avoiding a large pit in the center of the arena. Watch as I use Zoo Lou and Lias uses Legendary Night Shift. See how we do on our quest to earn three stars!


Let us know what you think of the Sand-Pit-Fall Arena.

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