Here is the last two elements for the portal pops and rests series. This the the Trap Team Light and Dark Portal Pops and Rests. These are all of the intro and rest animations for the Light and Dark element Skylanders.

Here is the last two elements for the portal pops and rests series. This the the Trap Team Light and Dark Portal Pops and Rests. These are all of the intro and rest animations for the Light and Dark element Skylanders.
Spotlight is a new core Light Skylander making her debut in Trap Team. She isn’t just any new Skylander, she is the first core Skylander of the Light element, which debuted in Trap Team. However, she had been in Skylands before. Master Eon found her in the Prismatic Palace when he was looking for the Crystal Orb of Light. When he found the orb, he reached out to touch it, which caused bright light to shine out of the orb. The light was so bright Master Eon had to shield his eyes. When he was able to lower his hand, he saw Spotlight standing before him in a respectful bow. He had not seen a Light Element creature before since it was not one of the eight common elements of Skylands. He sensed that the Ancients set her to him for a reason so he took Spotlight to the Core of Light and trained her to defend it as a member of the Skylanders. But when Kaos destroyed the Core of Light, Spotlight mysteriously vanished. Only now has she finally re-appeared.
Today Lias and I play through the last set of Trap Team Arena Battles called Brock’s Rumble Clubhouse. First we show you how to unlock this last set, in case you don’t know how. I spend most of the time using Spotlight, while Lias mostly uses Thunderbolt and Wolfgang. Check it out!
Lias and I continue on with the Kaos Doom Challenge (Waves 66-80). Today we play the second to last set of waves called the Twisted Twister Docks. We also continue to use some of our Wave 4 Skylanders who are still a bit under the level recommendations. Enjoy!
About a week ago I was in my local Toys R Us and they had all of Wave 4 Trap Team figures on display. The only thing I didn’t see were the single light and dark traps that were supposed to be out. I went ahead and got everything I could find, including a couple of what I thought were wave 3 traps. So here it is, our Trap Team Mega Epic Unboxing (Wave 4) video. Enjoy! Only one more small wave to go!