Rocky Roll – Skylander Review

Rocky Roll – Skylander Review

Rocky Roll - Skylander ReviewRocky Roll is a new core Earth Skylander making his debut in Trap Team. Rocky Roll is the combination of two great friends coming together to act as one. Rocky was a rock digger who wanted to make a difference, and Roll was a boulder that wanted to see the world. They met each other in mining school when they were young. They discovered that they both shared the same goal: to make the sacred journey to Peek’s Peak. Many years passed when one day they found each other traveling on the same path towards the mythical peak. They remembered the friendship and magical connection they had in mining school and realized that they were meant to journey far and wide together. They went on several adventures together and one day they had a chance meeting with Master Eon. Master Eon recognized that they had a special bond and made them the awesome Skylander duo of Rocky Roll.

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Trap Team Mega Epic Unboxing (Wave 4)

Trap Team Mega Epic Unboxing (Wave 4)About a week ago I was in my local Toys R Us and they had all of Wave 4 Trap Team figures on display. The only thing I didn’t see were the single light and dark traps that were supposed to be out. I went ahead and got everything I could find, including a couple of what I thought were wave 3 traps. So here it is, our Trap Team Mega Epic Unboxing (Wave 4) video. Enjoy! Only one more small wave to go!



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