Ka-Boom is a new Fire Trap Master making his debut in Trap Team. Ka-Boom comes from an ancient volcanic island called Munitions Forge. He and his people were very tech savvy and used to build machinery that was used throughout the Skylands. One day, the ruthless Captain Ironbeard tried to capture Munitions Forge so he could build an unstoppable fleet of pirate warships. With Captain Ironbeard’s invasion approaching, Ka-Boom created the greatest anti-pirate weapon ever created – The Boom Cannon! (I would also guess this would be Flynn’s favorite weapon as well!) When Ironbeard and his men arrived, Ka-Boom was already at the edge of the docks with his Boom Cannon ready. It was smoldering hot having just came out of the fire. One by one, Ka-Boom sank all of the invading ships until Captain Ironbeard was forced to retreat. Now Ka-Boom is a valued member of the Trap Team and uses the Boom Cannon to blast evil!
Torch is a new Fire core Skylander making her debut in Trap Team. As a child, Torch worked with her grandfather as a dragon keeper. They tended to a stable of dragons which protected their village. One year they were attacked by an evil Snow Dragon. The dragon unleashed a blizzard that froze her entire village in an ice glacier! Torch was the only one to escape. She immediately went to rescue her village and her dragons armed with her Firespout Flamethrower. She fought long and hard and eventually defeated the Snow Dragon in an epic battle. Once the village was free she returned home looking for her grandfather. But he wasn’t there, he was missing. All that Torch found was her grandfather’s lucky flaming horseshoe. Now that Torch is a Skylander, she uses her powerful Firespout Flamethrower and her grandfather’s lucky horseshoe to battle evil and hopefully one day will find the grandfather she lost.
Tread Head is a new Tech core Skylander making his debut in Trap Team. Tread Head was an orphan from the Dizzying Dunes who always dreamed of racing. One summer he found enough old parts to build his own bike. He built his bike his way with a focus on performance. Once his bike was finished he entered it into a local race, but the other competitors all laughed at his bike’s design. Since he had built his bike for performance, and not looks, he easily raced to a commanding lead. While in the lead, he entered a canyon and found a roadblock of Goblin troops! In order to protect the other racers, Tread Head pulled off the road and kicked up a bunch of dust that forced the Goblins to retreat. This allowed the other racers to pass safely. Unfortunately for Tread Head, it also meant that he would loose the race. However, Master Eon took note and offered Tread Head the chance to become a Skylander and to race over evil.
Wildfire is a new Fire Trap Master making his debut in Trap Team. Wildfire also has one alternate version called Dark Wildfire which comes with the Dark Edition of Skylanders Trap Team. Wildfire was once a member of the Fire Claw Clan. He wanted to enter the Rite of Infernos, which was a test of survival on the dangerous Fire Plains. However, he was made of gold, and because of this he was not allowed to participate in the Rite of Infernos. On the nite of the test, Wildfire took his father’s enchanted shield and followed the path the other lions had gone. He found the lions trapped by a giant flame scorpion. Wildfire used his shield to block the scorpion’s stinging tail attacks and allowed the other lions to escape. Unfortunately Wildfire was hurt in the fight, but his father’s enchanted shield charged Wildfire, magnifying the strength that was in his heart. This made him the strongest lion of his clan. Now Wildfire is part of the Trap Team and uses his Traptanium bonded shield to defend all of those in need.
Wallop is a new Earth Trap Master making his debut in Trap Team. Wallop comes from the volcanic lava pits of Mount Scorch where he was an apprentice weapon maker. His people make the most awesome weapons in all of Skylands. Wallop was one of the best apprentices his masters had ever seen. He would use hammers in both hands to quickly shape the hot metal into the sharpest swords or the hardest axes. One day, a fierce fire viper awoke from deep within the volcano and began to attack Wallop’s village. Wallop battled the beast with his two massive hammers and defeated the giant fire snake. Now Wallop uses two Traptanium infused hammers to fight with the Skylanders and protect all of the Skylands.
Fist Bump is a new Earth core Skylander making his debut in Trap Team. He used to be the sleeping protector of the Bubbling Bamboo Forest. However, he awoke when a bunch of purple Greebles came to build a new base in the forest. The Greebles used huge rock-smashing machines that cleared out the forest and chewed up the land. This made Fist Bump furious, so he used his enormous stone fists and hammered the ground with all of his strength. This created a massive earthquake that sent shockwaves towards the Greebles. This destroyed the Greebles machines and the Greebles ran off in a panic. Terrafin noticed this act of bravery and brought Fist Bump to Master Eon who made him a Skylander.
Gusto is a brand new Air Trap Master which debuts in Skylanders Trap Team. He used to be a cloud wrangler in the peaceful Thunderclap Kingdom. He became friends with a mysterious Cloud Dragon who taught Gusto how to master the wind. One day a fleet of Dragon Hunters came to try to capture the mysterious Cloud Dragon. Gusto protected and defended the dragon by using a curved stick. Every time Gusto through the stick at an enemy, it would come right back to him. This surprised the hunters and forced them to retreat. For his act of heroism and bravery, Gusto became a Trap Master and was given a new Traptanium Boomerang to help defend the Skylands.
Gearshift is a brand new Tech Trap Master which debuts in Skylanders Trap Team. She was created by a king who considered the robot to be his own daughter. Gearshift liked to spend most of her time in the Labyrinths below the kingdom tending to the huge machines that were there. This was not what the King wanted her to do. However, one day a squadron of Undead Stormriders attacked and wanted to capture the King. Gearshift hid the King in the Labyrinths below the kingdom and used the Great Gear to fight off the invaders. After this she was made part of the Trap Team where she could use her Traptanium-forged gear to help defend Skylands.
Funny Bone is a brand new core Undead Skylander which debuts in Skylanders Trap Team. He comes from the funniest place in the land of the undead – Punch Line Island. It is also home to the Chuckling Trees who use magic to make everyone laugh when the breeze tickles them. One day Funny Bone was burying his neighbors birthday cake when he noticed strange beings with large axes. He immediately knew that the Chuckling Trees were in danger. So he defended the trees and chased away the invaders. Master Eon took note, and invited Funny Bone to become a Skylander.
Free Ranger is a new Swappable Air Skylander for Skylanders Swap Force. Free Ranger is a bird who spent his early years chasing storms. He chased hurricanes, rode lightning and spun inside tornadoes. That’s how he perfected his spin ability. One day he was chasing a dark and ominous storm when Master Eon caught him and taught him of the darkness in Skylands. Free Ranger then became a protector of Cloudbreak Islands by becoming a Skylander Swap Force member. Free Ranger’s figure embodies his backstory. His legs are in a constant spinning vortex and his hair is in a lightning bolt shaped pony tail. His light blue, yellow and orange coloring complement his character well, by just making him look light. He also carries a couple of Stormblades in his hands to give him a powerful spinning attacks. Overall, he fits the image you might have for an air element Skylander. He is a bird who spins and has several lightning and tornado based air attacks. Free Ranger comes with the 3DS version of the game. He also has a special Legendary version which changes his paint scheme to the legendary black and gold.
Free Ranger starts with a couple attacks you would expect from looking at his character. He has a fast melee attack with his Stormblades in both hands, and a spinning attack that sucks enemies in to damage them. After some upgrades Free Ranger will be able to shoot bolts of lightning from his eyes, and his Stormblades will send a wave of air shooting at his enemies. His spinning will become faster, more powerful and pull in enemies from farther away.
“Legendary Free Ranger”
As a swappable character there are two different upgrade paths to choose, one for his body and one for his legs. The body paths let you focus either on stronger Stormblade attacks by adding combos or a stronger lightning attack by being able to charge the bolts of lightning he can shoot. The leg paths are actually pretty powerful for Free Ranger. One path allows you to add lightning bolts to your tornado attack to further damage your enemies. The other path adds the ability to shoot out a tornado once your normal tornado spin attack ends. None of Free Ranger’s attacks are super flashy or unique. They are pretty much what you would expect from a spinning air element character. However, that doesn’t make him weak or not fun to play with. Sucking up enemies in tornadoes and firing lightning is very satisfying.
Also as a swappable character he has two soul gem abilities. Neither are very exciting or creative which is a bit of a disappointment for such an expensive upgrade. Most soul gem abilities offer some new crazy attacks. For Free Ranger though, one upgrade increases the damage of the Stormblades by adding lighting damage to them, while the other upgrade fills the tornado attack with lightning damage.
All in all, Free Ranger is a very solid character. He is sort of the stereotypical air elemental “storm” character with tornado and lightning attacks. He’s still worth owning, especially if you want the 3DS version of the game.
7 out of 10
Free Ranger’s Stats
Card Stats
In Game Stats
Max Health
Critical Hit
Elemental Power
Legendary Free Ranger’s Stats
Card Stats
In Game Stats
Max Health
Critical Hit
Elemental Power
Free Ranger’s Attacks
Body Attacks
Stormblade Slash
Press Attack 1 to slash at enemies with powerful Stormblades.
Eyes of the Storm
Press Attack 3 to shoot a bolt of lightning from the eyes, stunning the first enemy and chaining to others.
300 Gold
Charged Blades
Press Attack 1 to slash with more powerful Stormblades that do increased damage.
800 Gold
Gale Slash
Press Attack 1 three times to send a wave of powerful air at enemies.
1000 Gold
Wind Slasher Path
Slicing Storm
Hold Attack 1 to charge Stormblades, release for a devastating combo attack.
1500 Gold
Feathered Fury
Slicing Storm does increased damage.
2000 Gold
Storm Focus Path
Lightning Strikes Thrice
Hold Attack 3 to charge Eye of the Storm, release to shoot a larger bolt of lightning.
1500 Gold
Charged Gigawatt Bolt
Lightning Strikes Thrice does increased damage. More powerful than lightning.
2000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Storming Stormblades
Press Attack 1 to attack with more powerful Stormblades that deal extra lightning damage.
3500 Gold
Leg Attacks
Ride the Wind
Press Attack 2 to become a tornado and damage nearby enemies.
Approaching Storm
Hold Attack 2 to become a tornado, speed is increased while the tornado is active
300 Gold
Wind Powered
Becoming a tornado will last longer
800 Gold
Tornado Vacuum Boost
Tornadoes now pull in enemies from further away.
1000 Gold
Lightning Linquist Path
Lightning Nova
Blast all nearby enemies with a powerful lightning bolt when becoming a tornado.
1500 Gold
Nova Flash
Lightning Nova does increased damage.
2000 Gold
Tornado Thrower Path
Wild Tornado
When becoming a tornado ends, a powerful tornado is shot out, damaging all enemies in the way.
1500 Gold
Twisted Twister
More powerful tornadoes are shot forward that do increased damage to enemies.
2000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Charged Winds
Hold Attack 2 to become a tornado filled with lightning, dealing damage to all enemies in the way.