Pain-Yatta – Villain Review

Pain-Yatta – Villain Review

Pain-Yatta - Villain ReviewPain-Yatta is a Magic element villain that is hanging around Level 8 – Telescope Towers. You will find that Pain-Yatta is filled with candy, and evil. I’m not sure who’s idea it was to turn a pinata into a minion of evil, but I think it was a pretty genius idea. Pain-Yatta uses the sweet candy he has been filled with for years, to exact revenge on all those who ever raised a stick at him and everyone else in Skylands. He can either barf candy at his enemies or to smack them with his giant lollipop. Either way his foes are in for a sweet surprise. And did you know that he also had an ear for music? Well, not really, but he does make a nice bodyguard and is the favorite escort of the Gecko Chorus. You’ll find that out, when you take on his quest in Level 10 – The Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink.

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Short Cut – Skylander Review

Short Cut – Skylander Review

Short CutShort Cut is a new Undead Trap Master making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. Short Cut made the finest clothing in all of Skylands. His magic shears could cut through any cloth, any thread, and follow any pattern. One day a fleet of skeleton pirates appeared in flying ships. They had just stolen a cargo of golden yarn from some local fortunetellers. The pirate captain demanded that Short Cut use the yarn to make him a magic hat that would tell him the future of anyone in Skylands. Short Cut did not want his worked used for evil, so that night while all the pirates were sleeping on their ships, he snuck onto the ships and sewed together the pants and shirts of the sleeping pirates so they couldn’t fight. Then he took his magic shears and cut all of the sails and wrapped them around the ships which prevented the pirates from escaping. Master Eon found out about his brave capturing of the pirates and offered to make him a member of the Trap Team. Now Short Cut uses his Traptanium Shears to cut evil’s future short.

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Shrednaught – Villain Review

Shrednaught – Villain Review

Shrednaught - Villain Review Shrednaught is a Tech element villain that you will find shredding up the Pheonix Psanctuary. Shrednaught is not your average villain, it’s actually 2 Trolls, 1 giant chainsaw, and unlimited possibilities. It’s hard to tell if the trolls are brothers, friends, or just two villains forced to work together. They refer to each other as Troll 1 and Troll 2 so they don’t seem to have any interest in names. They do work well enough together to control the biggest chainsaw mech ever built (by trolls that is). The blade of the chainsaw even spins around making it a fearsome device to all who lay eyes on it (again mostly just trolls). Shreadnaught is a loyal villain to Kaos. Luckily for the Skylanders though, Shrednaught is easily persuaded. After a slight beating and some time in a Tech trap, the trolls will be ready to switch their allegiance to the Skylanders.

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Cobra Cadabra and King Cobra Cadabra – Skylander Review

Cobra Cadabra and King Cobra Cadabra – Skylander Review

Cobra Cadabra and King Cobra Cadabra - Skylander ReviewCobra Cadabra is a new Magic core Skylander making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. He began his journey as the assistant to the Great Mabuni, a traveling magician that performed all over Skylands. He dreamed of one day becoming a famous magician himself. The Mysteriously Mad Magic Masters of Mystery was a magicians guild that had for centuries taught all of the greatest magicians in Skylands. They refused to allow Cobra Cadabra to become a magician. The Great Mabuni though saw the potential in Cobra Cadabra and decided to teach him everything he knew. This was strictly forbidden by the Mysteriously Mad Magic Masters of Mystery and they soon found out. The guild sent a team of magic rabbit enforcers to punish Cobra Cadabra and the Great Mabuni. Cobra Cadabra remained calm. He used what he learned to play an enchanted tune on his flute and cast a spell on the rabbits, which he then led away. The guild was very impressed by this and decided to accept Cobra Cadabra as a member and made him a magician. Soon he was also made a member of the Skylanders.

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Bomb Shell – Villain Review

Bomb Shell – Villain Review

Bomb Shell - Villain Review Bomb Shell is a Magic element villain that you will find spinning around on the decks of Level 5 – Chef Zeppelin. Even though he could easily be a fire, or earth type, it’s Bomb Shell’s ability to conjure up magical bombs that defines his Magic element. That reminds me: Did you hear the one about the tortoise and the bomb? No? I don’t know why not? He was famous! He was a real Shellebrity! Unfortunately I don’t think Bomb Shell is going to be a Shellebrity any time soon. The combination of bombs and a turtle might sound like a popular combination, but Bomb Shell is just a little too mediocre to become famous.

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Head Rush and Nitro Head Rush – Skylander Review

Head Rush and Nitro Head Rush – Skylander Review

Head Rush and Nitro Head Rush - Skylander ReviewHead Rush is a new Earth Trap Master making her debut in Skylanders Trap Team. Head Rush was raised in a small village that was controlled by the spell of a powerful Harvest Sphinx. The Sphinx frightened villagers into plowing the vast fields of golden grass for his own benefit. None of the villagers were brave enough to confront the Sphinx, but Head Rush believed that if she could somehow inspire her people to stand together that they could fight back. She charged through the village using her mighty yodel to wake the villagers from their spell. With the village behind her, she was able to lead the charge to drive the Sphinx from the village for good. For her leadership and bravery she was made a member of the Trap Team where she now uses her Traptanium horns to take charge of evil!

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Masker Mind – Villain Review

Masker Mind – Villain Review

Masker MindMasker Mind is an undead element villain that you will find haunting Level 6 – Rainfish Riviera. Even though he’s undead, it seems like he relies on a lot of magic to control his enemies. He believes that everyone is entitled to HIS opinion. He’ll make sure this happens through dark sorcery, where he can take control of an enemy’s mind for a spell. He also uses a telekinetic push to keep his enemies at bay. Once you can prove that hypnosis is real then Masker Mind will become even stronger. Even once he has evolved though, you may find that Masker Mind is better left to his own thoughts.

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Blackout – Skylander Review

Blackout – Skylander Review

Blackout - Skylander ReviewBlackout is a new core Dark Skylander making his debut in Trap Team. In fact he is the very first core Dark Element Skylander. He comes from the Realm of Dreams where the collective imagination of all creatures in the universe come together to form wonderful dreams and terrible nightmares. When he was young he was recruited into the Dark Stygian, which was a Dragon Clan whose job it was to create nightmares for evil creatures. This was done to hopefully discourage the creatures from any more bad behavior. But the clan found amusement in creating nightmares for others and began to spread nightmares to everyone. Blackout would not stand for this behavior and learned to teleport himself into the nightmares to fight the creatures within. Eventually, the nightmares reached Master Eon who witnessed Blackout’s courage within his own dreams. After helping Blackout put an end to the Dark Stygian, he made Blackout a Skylander who now serves as protector of the Realm of Dreams and beyond.

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Brawl & Chain – Villain Review

Brawl & Chain – Villain Review

Brawl & Chain - Villain ReviewBrawl & Chain is the second angry walrus pirate villain that you will meet on your adventures through Skylands. The first was Brawlrus which we have previously reviewed. This angry walrus pirate though is actually a water element villain as you might expect. He does have chains for arms and sharp hooks for hands so he too could technically qualify to be a Tech villain. But I guess you can’t have almost the same character in the exact same element, that would be too noticeable. You know what they say: No chains, no pain so I guess he does make a good villain with his chain arms and all.  You can judge for yourself after you capture him on level 6 – Rainfish Riviera.

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High Five – Skylander Review

High Five – Skylander Review

High Five - Skylander ReviewHigh Five is a new core Life Skylander making his debut in Trap Team. He grew up as one of the most skilled racers of all the dragonflies. He was the fifth son of the Royal High Flying Dragonflies, but he was too young to enter any of the racing tournaments. He watched as his four older brothers competed for the famous Trophy of Sparx. During the biggest race of the season, High Five learned that the Troll Racing Team had stolen the Trophy of Sparx and were going to use the race to cover their escape. High Five jumped into the race and used his amazing flying skills to make his way to the front where he caught up with the trolls and brought them down. For his bravery and skill he was given the Trophy of Sparx. He was also made a Skylander where he can now run circles around evil.

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