Here are the Skylanders Trap Team Life Portal Pops and Rests. It’s all the intros and rest animations for the Life element Skylanders from the game.

Here are the Skylanders Trap Team Life Portal Pops and Rests. It’s all the intros and rest animations for the Life element Skylanders from the game.
High Five is a new core Life Skylander making his debut in Trap Team. He grew up as one of the most skilled racers of all the dragonflies. He was the fifth son of the Royal High Flying Dragonflies, but he was too young to enter any of the racing tournaments. He watched as his four older brothers competed for the famous Trophy of Sparx. During the biggest race of the season, High Five learned that the Troll Racing Team had stolen the Trophy of Sparx and were going to use the race to cover their escape. High Five jumped into the race and used his amazing flying skills to make his way to the front where he caught up with the trolls and brought them down. For his bravery and skill he was given the Trophy of Sparx. He was also made a Skylander where he can now run circles around evil.
Bushwhack is a new LifeTrap Master making his debut in Trap Team. Bushwhack was part of a race of tree elves who protected the Arcadian Timberland. He was supposed to be a ranger but since he was the smallest of his clan, he was sent deep into the woods to study. He studied with the famous Arbo who had helped the Skylanders rebuild the core of Light. He looked past Bushwhack’s size and saw the heart of a warrior. Arbo taught him many secrets and even gave him an enchanted axe. Soon after his training, a legion of Lumberjack Trolls invaded the forest and overran the elves. Bushwhack was called upon to stop them. He used his enchanted axe and knowledge of the forest to capture the trolls and to destroy their tree cutting machines. Bushwhack was rewarded by becoming a member of the Trap Team. Now he uses his Traptanium axe to whack evil wherever it grows.
Tuff Luck is a new LifeTrap Master making her debut in Trap Team. Tuff Luck always had incredibly good luck. Some believed it came from her years of guarding Fortunata Springs which was the source of all good luck in Skylands. Fortunata Springs was located in the Random Canyons, which move without warning to cover the hidden entrance to the springs. Despite this, Kaos’s minions found the entrance and flew in sponge-tankers to soak up every drop of the lucky liquid. Luckily Tuff Luck was patrolling the area and saw the minions trying to steal the water. With her awesome skills and unbeatable good luck, she drove away the minions and saved the springs. She then drank from the springs as was custom for her tribe. That’s when she realized she had a greater calling. She decided to leave her tribe to join the Trap Team where she could help protect all of Skylands.
Cuckoo Clocker is a Life trappable villain that you will be able to capture in the fourth level – Phoenix Psanctuary of Skylanders Trap Team. Many fear this big brutish bird because of his powerful roar and even more powerful smash attack. He is cuckoo for clobbering! But did you know Cuckoo Clocker can sing? Well, he seems to think he can. Once you find his quest in Phoenix Psanctuary you will be able to judge for yourself.
Broccoli Guy is a Life trappable villain that you will be able to capture in the third level – Chompy Mountain of Skylanders Trap Team. He is a good villain to have stored in a trap because he heals his friends and hurts his enemies. Even though Broccoli Guy is a Life element villain, he uses his powerful magic for both attacking and healing. His healing power alone is worth keeping him close by, but you may also want to use him just to hear some of his wit and personality. He can be evolved once you find his quest on the fifth level – The Phoenix Psanctuary.
At the Nintendo Direct for E3, Activision unveiled two new Skylanders and two new Signature Vehicles coming specifically to the Nintendo versions of SuperChargers. These characters will be Skylanders in the Skylanders game, but a unique twist of their base will transform the characters into Amiibos to be used in other Amiibo supported Nintendo titles. Hammer Slam Bowser, and Turbo Charge Donkey Kong will be the two new Skylanders. They will be driving the Clown Cruiser and Barrel Blaster respectively.
From looking at the characters closely, it appears that Turbo Charge Donkey Kong will be a Life Element, and Hammer Slam Bowser will be a Fire Element. I can only assume that these are in addition to the already mentioned 20 characters and vehicles available to the game but I have not heard any word from Activision about this yet. These are the first Skylanders to be platform specific, so if you want to play with these characters you will want to grab one of the Nintendo versions of Skylanders SuperChargers.
Food Fight is a new Life core Skylander making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. He comes packaged with the console versions of the game but not the 3DS version. He also has a Dark variant called Dark Food Fight which is packaged with the special Dark Edition starter pack of Skylanders Trap Team. Food Fight is the result of a troll food experiment gone wrong. When the Troll Farmers Guild tried to fertilize their soil with gunpowder they got quite the surprise. Food Fight rose from the ground. One day when a rogue army of gnomes tried to wrap the Asparagus people in bacon, Food Fight defended his home garden by fighting off the gnomes with his Tomato Launcher and Zucchini Blast add-on. He showed that he does more than just play with his food, he battles with it! Master Eon decided that Food Fight was one veggie lover he needed on his side so he made him a Skylander.
Today Conner shows us the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack unboxing for Skylanders Swap Force. The Arkeyan Crossbow is a magical helper item that helps with attacking for a short period. It also unlocks new arenas to battle in. The pack comes with Thorn Horn Camo, and Grim Creeper, and I believe it is the only way to get Thorn Horn Camo at this time. Give it a watch and let us know what you think about the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack.
Checkout our Lightcore Bumble Blast Unboxing. We finally got our hands on the last version of Bumble Blast, and Conner is ready to rip him open. He is one of our favorites so you should stay tuned for a Bumble Blast review in the future.
Let us know what you think of Lightcore Bumble Blast.