Broccoli Guy – Villain Review

Broccoli Guy – Villain Review

Broccoli Guy - Villain ReviewBroccoli Guy is a Life trappable villain that you will be able to capture in the third level – Chompy Mountain of Skylanders Trap Team. He is a good villain to have stored in a trap because he heals his friends and hurts his enemies. Even though Broccoli Guy is a Life element villain, he uses his powerful magic for both attacking and healing. His healing power alone is worth keeping him close by, but you may also want to use him just to hear some of his wit and personality. He can be evolved once you find his quest on the fifth level – The Phoenix Psanctuary.

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Chompy Mage – Villain Review

Chompy Mage – Villain Review

Chompy Mage - Villain ReviewThe Chompy Mage is the first Doom Raider in the game that you will capture. He is a Life villain which means you will need a Life trap to capture him. The Chompy Mage is an old magician who was raised by Chompies. He grew up embracing the Chompy way, believing that Skylands would be a better place if everyone was a Chompy. He was locked up inside Cloudcracker Prison for trying to perform illegal enchantments to turn the inhabitants of Skylands into Chompies. It was there he met the Doom Raiders who thought he was completely crazy, but since the Chompy Mage can see through the eyes of any Chompy in Skylands he was accepted into the group for being a very good spy.  

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