Food Fight and Dark Food Fight – Skylander Review

Food Fight and Dark Food Fight – Skylander Review

Food Fight and Dark Food Fight - Skylander ReviewFood Fight is a new Life core Skylander making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. He comes packaged with the console versions of the game but not the 3DS version. He also has a Dark variant called Dark Food Fight which is packaged with the special Dark Edition starter pack of Skylanders Trap Team. Food Fight is the result of a troll food experiment gone wrong. When the Troll Farmers Guild tried to fertilize their soil with gunpowder they got quite the surprise. Food Fight rose from the ground. One day when a rogue army of gnomes tried to wrap the Asparagus people in bacon, Food Fight defended his home garden by fighting off the gnomes with his Tomato Launcher and Zucchini Blast add-on. He showed that he does more than just play with his food, he battles with it! Master Eon decided that Food Fight was one veggie lover he needed on his side so he made him a Skylander.

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Skylanders Trap Team Dark Edition Announced

Skylanders Trap Team Dark EditionIt looks like Skylanders will be getting another Dark Edition Starter Pack with Skylanders Trap Team. This time though, it’s not going to be limited to just GameStop. You should be able to find this at your favorite retailer. The Dark Edition will again come with black and silver colored “Dark” versions of characters. Just like the regular starter pack, the Dark Edition will come with Food Fight and Snap Shot. However, these will be the “Dark” versions of the characters. The pack will also still include the Life Trap and the Water Trap, which do not have a dark affiliation from what I can tell. However, the Dark Edition will also include Dark Wildfire and the trap that everyone will want…The Ultimate Kaos trap. The Dark Edition will retail for $99.99 but because it’s not exclusive to GameStop, you can pick it up where ever you get the best deal.

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Skylanders Trap Team Announced By Activision

Skylanders Trap Team Starter PackThe fourth installment in the Skylanders series is called Trap Team! It took awhile, but Activision finally made good on it’s promise to unveil new Skylanders information today. Trap Team introduces a new game mechanic to the series which borrows some similarities from Pokemon. Trap Team introduces new Traptanium shards that you use to “trap” or capture defeated villains and force them to fight for you. These shards can be bought in the store and have specific elements associated to them. You must match the right element to the villain you want to catch. Activision gave the example of catching the Chompy Mage with a life shard. Once you capture the villain you will then “own” that character and you will be able to use and switch to him in battle. Of course one shard holds one villain and there will be over 40 “trappable” characters so it looks like collectors will probably need at least 40 of these empty shards in their collection to capture all of the characters.

Skylanders Trap Team Snap Shot FigureOf course no new Skylanders game would be complete without brand new characters and new versions of old characters. Over 60 new characters are promised, though I’m not sure if that includes new versions of old characters or just strictly new characters. Of course, the most obvious new characters are the “Trap Masters”. These characters are slightly larger than the regular Skylanders (not sure how they compare to the Swap Force), and sport special “Traptanium” weapons. These weapons will do bonus damage to “trappable” villains and will also be able to unlock new areas.


Skylanders Trap Team Food Fight FigureThe starter pack will include a new Portal which is mandatory for the new “Trap Masters”. This portal will recognize the new red based Skylanders as well as have a place for the new Traptanium Shards. The portal will also make noise this time, much like the Wii remote or PS4 controller. The starter pack will also come with one Trap Master Skylander and one new core Skylander. The Trap Master is a new water element Lizard called Snap Shot. He wields a large Traptanium sword and bow. I’m not sure if he shoots swords with his bow or if they are two different weapons. The new core Skylander is a life element artichoke character called Food Fight. He shoots tomatoes out of a Bazooka. Hopefully after some upgrades he’ll fire other foods at his foes.

The last important piece of information from Activision was the release date. Skylanders Trap Team will hit the stores in the US on October 5th.

Here is a trailer from the SkylandersGame YouTube channel.

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