Fling Kong is a new Air core Skylander making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. Fling Kong used to be the royal protector of the legendary monkey idol: Kubla-Wa. He had trained in a form of fighting which used the power of air called Monk-Ru. As a seriously dedicated student, he was always first to arrive for training and the last to leave. One day, a bunch of foul-smelling, well-armed Gorilla-Goos showed up led by the famous General Snot. Snot had learned that the idol was made of solid gold and was determined to steal it. They quickly took control of the temple which held the idol and were about to take it when Fling Kong showed up. Fling Kong attacked with the power of a Monk-Ru master! He used his flying rug and powerful vortex discs to defeat the Gorilla-Goos and save the idol. Soon after, Master Eon invited Fling Kong to become a Skylander where he can knock the wind out of evil throughout the Skylands.
Dreamcatcher is an Air trappable villain that you will be able to capture at the end of the eighth level – Telescope Towers. The Dreamcatcher is another one of the Doom Raiders who you will be able to trap if you have an Air Trap. Cloudcracker Prison wasn’t the first prison she ever broke out of. She also escaped the Lucid Lockdown from within the Realm of Dreams. She even broke out of the dream realm itself. She has the power to read your mind and to bring your worst nightmares to life. She has driven entire villages mad just for the fun of it. It was this playfully evil nature which attracted the Golden Queen to her. The Golden Queen needed a psychic for her evil schemes and for some relationship advice. The Dreamcatcher loved to gossip as much as coming up with a cunning plans so she gladly joined the Doom Raiders. However, due to her mischievous nature, the Golden Queen has not quite trusted her relationship advice.
Here is something new. This is a collection of the Air Portal Pops and Rests of the Skylander Trap Team Characters. It’s basically the entrances and rest animations for all of the Air elements. I am calling those Portal Pops and Portal Rests. Let me know if you like this and I will continue with other elements.
Buzzer Beak is an Air trappable villain that you will be able to capture on the second level – Know-It-All-Island of Skylanders Trap Team. Buzzer beak may be small, but what he lacks in size, he more than makes up for in courage, helicopter blade, and a good dive bomb attack. In fact, once evolved, his Dive Bomb attack is extremely powerful. If you haven’t given Buzzer Beak much attention, you may want to give him a look and see what the buzz is all about.
Thunderbolt is a new Air Trap Master making his debut in Trap Team. He grew up on the legendary Mount Cloudpierce. He was always extremely strong and very competitive, so when his people held a contest for the legendary Storm Sword, Thunderbolt had to win it. The Storm Sword was a legendary blade with the power to change the seasons in Skylands. For Thunderbolt, this would be a great honor to have. Thunderbolt won the contest and was about to be awarded the sword when a Frost Mage stole it and plunged all of Skylands into a wintery deep-freeze. Thunderbolt took up the chase, riding twin bolts of chained lightning. He quickly caught the mage, reclaimed the sword and restored balance to the weather in Skylands. For his heroic actions, Thunderbolt was made a member of the Trap Team and now uses the Traptanium Storm Sword to fight evil.
Blades is a new Air core Skylander making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. He also has a Legendary variant called Legendary Blades. Blades always dreamed of one day becoming a knight and going on exciting adventures in faraway lands. However, his job was to stay at home and guard the Scalos Castle where the Golden Fear Serpent had been asleep for one hundred years. One night the castle shook and a wave of fear swept over all who were inside. The Golden Fear Serpent had awoken. Blades fought his fear and slowly made his way down into dungeon and descended into the serpent’s chamber. The golden beast grinned at Blades and made him an offer. The serpent promised that he would not harm the kingdom and would go back to sleep for another one hundred years, if Blades agreed to stay in the dungeon forever. Blades realized that the safety of the kingdom was more important than the things he wanted to do, so he agreed to the serpents offer. As soon as he did, the serpent disappeared and the fear lifted from the castle. The serpent had been defeated. It turns out that the only way to defeat the serpent was to face the fear. The news of Blades bravery soon made it to Master Eon who came to see Blades and made him a Skylander.
Gusto is a brand new Air Trap Master which debuts in Skylanders Trap Team. He used to be a cloud wrangler in the peaceful Thunderclap Kingdom. He became friends with a mysterious Cloud Dragon who taught Gusto how to master the wind. One day a fleet of Dragon Hunters came to try to capture the mysterious Cloud Dragon. Gusto protected and defended the dragon by using a curved stick. Every time Gusto through the stick at an enemy, it would come right back to him. This surprised the hunters and forced them to retreat. For his act of heroism and bravery, Gusto became a Trap Master and was given a new Traptanium Boomerang to help defend the Skylands.
Free Ranger is a new Swappable Air Skylander for Skylanders Swap Force. Free Ranger is a bird who spent his early years chasing storms. He chased hurricanes, rode lightning and spun inside tornadoes. That’s how he perfected his spin ability. One day he was chasing a dark and ominous storm when Master Eon caught him and taught him of the darkness in Skylands. Free Ranger then became a protector of Cloudbreak Islands by becoming a Skylander Swap Force member. Free Ranger’s figure embodies his backstory. His legs are in a constant spinning vortex and his hair is in a lightning bolt shaped pony tail. His light blue, yellow and orange coloring complement his character well, by just making him look light. He also carries a couple of Stormblades in his hands to give him a powerful spinning attacks. Overall, he fits the image you might have for an air element Skylander. He is a bird who spins and has several lightning and tornado based air attacks. Free Ranger comes with the 3DS version of the game. He also has a special Legendary version which changes his paint scheme to the legendary black and gold.
Free Ranger starts with a couple attacks you would expect from looking at his character. He has a fast melee attack with his Stormblades in both hands, and a spinning attack that sucks enemies in to damage them. After some upgrades Free Ranger will be able to shoot bolts of lightning from his eyes, and his Stormblades will send a wave of air shooting at his enemies. His spinning will become faster, more powerful and pull in enemies from farther away.
“Legendary Free Ranger”
As a swappable character there are two different upgrade paths to choose, one for his body and one for his legs. The body paths let you focus either on stronger Stormblade attacks by adding combos or a stronger lightning attack by being able to charge the bolts of lightning he can shoot. The leg paths are actually pretty powerful for Free Ranger. One path allows you to add lightning bolts to your tornado attack to further damage your enemies. The other path adds the ability to shoot out a tornado once your normal tornado spin attack ends. None of Free Ranger’s attacks are super flashy or unique. They are pretty much what you would expect from a spinning air element character. However, that doesn’t make him weak or not fun to play with. Sucking up enemies in tornadoes and firing lightning is very satisfying.
Also as a swappable character he has two soul gem abilities. Neither are very exciting or creative which is a bit of a disappointment for such an expensive upgrade. Most soul gem abilities offer some new crazy attacks. For Free Ranger though, one upgrade increases the damage of the Stormblades by adding lighting damage to them, while the other upgrade fills the tornado attack with lightning damage.
All in all, Free Ranger is a very solid character. He is sort of the stereotypical air elemental “storm” character with tornado and lightning attacks. He’s still worth owning, especially if you want the 3DS version of the game.
7 out of 10
Free Ranger’s Stats
Card Stats
In Game Stats
Max Health
Critical Hit
Elemental Power
Legendary Free Ranger’s Stats
Card Stats
In Game Stats
Max Health
Critical Hit
Elemental Power
Free Ranger’s Attacks
Body Attacks
Stormblade Slash
Press Attack 1 to slash at enemies with powerful Stormblades.
Eyes of the Storm
Press Attack 3 to shoot a bolt of lightning from the eyes, stunning the first enemy and chaining to others.
300 Gold
Charged Blades
Press Attack 1 to slash with more powerful Stormblades that do increased damage.
800 Gold
Gale Slash
Press Attack 1 three times to send a wave of powerful air at enemies.
1000 Gold
Wind Slasher Path
Slicing Storm
Hold Attack 1 to charge Stormblades, release for a devastating combo attack.
1500 Gold
Feathered Fury
Slicing Storm does increased damage.
2000 Gold
Storm Focus Path
Lightning Strikes Thrice
Hold Attack 3 to charge Eye of the Storm, release to shoot a larger bolt of lightning.
1500 Gold
Charged Gigawatt Bolt
Lightning Strikes Thrice does increased damage. More powerful than lightning.
2000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Storming Stormblades
Press Attack 1 to attack with more powerful Stormblades that deal extra lightning damage.
3500 Gold
Leg Attacks
Ride the Wind
Press Attack 2 to become a tornado and damage nearby enemies.
Approaching Storm
Hold Attack 2 to become a tornado, speed is increased while the tornado is active
300 Gold
Wind Powered
Becoming a tornado will last longer
800 Gold
Tornado Vacuum Boost
Tornadoes now pull in enemies from further away.
1000 Gold
Lightning Linquist Path
Lightning Nova
Blast all nearby enemies with a powerful lightning bolt when becoming a tornado.
1500 Gold
Nova Flash
Lightning Nova does increased damage.
2000 Gold
Tornado Thrower Path
Wild Tornado
When becoming a tornado ends, a powerful tornado is shot out, damaging all enemies in the way.
1500 Gold
Twisted Twister
More powerful tornadoes are shot forward that do increased damage to enemies.
2000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Charged Winds
Hold Attack 2 to become a tornado filled with lightning, dealing damage to all enemies in the way.
Conner finally does a Scratch unboxing. She’s been one of the characters the boys have been most interested in playing with recently. So check out Conner’s unboxing and let us know what you think of Scratch.