In this Skylanders Swap Force 3DS unboxing video, Conner has a mighty struggle with the packaging. Watch how he discovers a new strategy to removing these extremely pesky characters out of their plastic storage containers.

Conner next video is a Fire Kraken unboxing for Skylanders Swap Force. Why do we do these videos? Maybe it’s just to watch the struggles of a five year old try to open toys set in challenging plastic? I have the feeling that one of these days he will break a Skylander he is unboxing. Will it be today?
Yesterday 1/22/14 Target restocked their shelves and on them were some Wave 3 Skylanders. At the stores I went to I saw all three Swappable characters, both Lightcore Characters and a Triple Pack. I did not see Sheep Wreck Island, or the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack. For the Core Skylanders, I saw Smolderdash, Hyperbeam Prism Break, and Horn Blast Whirlwind. I did not see Dune Bug or Phantom Cynder, but they are both listed on Target’s Website with a release date of 1/31. I’m not sure if my Targets broke some kind of street date, or if they just got their shipments in earlier than they thought, but all three stores I visited in my area had some of the Wave 3 characters on the shelves. So now is the time Portal Master! Go get your Wave 3 Skylanders at Target and use your RedCard to save 5%. Also, you may want to call ahead and ask if they have Spy Rise or Rubble Rouser. Those were two I saw the most of by far.
It looks like Best Buy is the next retailer to start having Wave 3 Swap Force characters available. Most single characters are in stock. It looks like the Triple Packs and Adventure Packs may either be out of stock already or not quite in stock yet for the first time.
Click here to go to Best Buy’s list of Swap Force items:
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Conner digs in to opening Stink Bomb our first Swap Force Sneak Skylander. Believe it or not, he is excited. He doesn’t really sound like it in this video. The ups and downs of a five year old I guess. I think he wanted to play with it more than open it. Anyway, enjoy a very subdued Conner in this Stink Bomb unboxing video.
Not much is going on for sales this week in the land of Skylands. The best and only deal comes from Best Buy. First the Starter Packs for Swap Force are all on sale for $59.99. Second,
Best Buy is giving away a free Skylanders character with any Skylanders purchase of $59.99 or greater. This means if you buy the game, you can get another free character with it. Or if you just need a bunch of new Skylanders once you spend $60 you will get a free one as well. Don’t forget, Heavy Duty Sprocket – Silver is still available at Best Buy, so you might want to choose that to be your free character.
Quick link to the Free Skylander deal here:
Quick link to Heavy Duty Sprocket – Silver here:
Share this article!Enjoy all of the cutscenes and other important story parts put together into one video that we are calling Skylanders Swap Force – The Movie. Well, almost all of the scenes. Apparently Activision had a problem with the Mesmeralda scene so I had to leave that one out. Even though you can find many other videos of that level on YouTube, our video was blocked worldwide. So I’ve removed that scene and the song during the credits. I purposefully left the credits in the movie because all of the great people who were apart of making this game should be recognized. If you like this video presentation visit our sister site at or our GameNutts YouTube channel to see more Cutscene Theater videos for other games.
My kids LOVE watching this movie. Let us know what you think!
A new Silver Heavy Duty Sprocket will be available at Best Buy starting on 1/12/2014 (This Sunday). It is rumored to be a Best Buy exclusive, but nothing on the Best Buy web page shows this. In the past these special colored variants have been vary limited. Also note that colored variants do not look different in game. It is only a rare paint job for the figure. The figure is listed at $9.99 but remember if you are a Gamers Club Unlocked member you will save %20 and get the character for $7.99. If you are a collector who is interested in these rare Skylanders you can jump on this deal now by pre-ordering this character through Best Buy here: