Dune Bug

Dune Bug
"Can't Beat the Beetle!"

Dune Bug Retailers

Swap Force Triple Pack 6 Retailers

Hailing from a race of beetles changed by the powerful secrets hidden in a buried Arkeyan city, Dune Bug was next in line to become the defender of those secrets. As a small pupa, Dune Bug and his father would travel to the ruins where he learned to read the ancient writings using his father's magic staff. On the day Dune Bug was to be given his own magic staff, the city fell under attack by the evil Sand Mages of Doom, who were after the secret Arkeyan tomes. Knowing what he had to do, Dune Bug used his magic to defeat the Mages and bury the city deeper into the ground until it was forever out of their reach. Dune Bug earned his magic staff that day - and a place alongside the Skylanders.

Dune Bug is a new Magic Skylander debuting in Swap Force.

He was released with Wave 3 Skylanders for Swap Force. He can be bought individually or as part of a Triple Pack with Knockout Terrafin and Phantom Cynder.

Dune Bug Unboxing:


    Card Stats
In Game Stats
Attack: 60  Max Health260
Defense:130  Speed35
Speed: 40  Armor24
Luck:100  Critical Hit4
  Elemental Power25


All Attacks
Mystic MissilesPress Attack 1 to shoot magical beams of energy from a staff.Free
Dune BallPress Attack 2 to create a large magical ball that can be rolled around and scoop up enemies.Free
Dune ParadeHold Attack 2 to create a Dune Ball. Move the Dune Ball to make it grow, increasing damage, size, and how many enemies can be trapped.500 Gold
Debilitating DunesHold Attack 2 to create a Dune Ball. Move the Dune Ball over enemies to trap them. Press Attack 1 to shoot enemies in the Dune Ball and do increased damage to them.700 Gold
Bursting MagicHold Attack 1 to fire rapid streams of powerful magic from a new staff.900 Gold
Buzzing BeetlePress Attack 3 to hover in the air. Speed is increased while hovering!1200 Gold
Scarab Sage Path
Stunning SpreadHold Attack 1 for a short time to charge the staff, release to shoot three powerful exploding orbs of magic at enemies.1700 Gold
Scarab PowerGain a new golden staff that shoots magic projectiles that do increased damage.2200 Gold
Magic Scarab RideJump while hovering to create a large shockwave that damages nearby enemies.3000 Gold
Dune Mage Path
Dune BombHold Attack 1 for a short time to charge the staff, release to shoot a dune grenade that traps enemies and explodes.1700 Gold
Hardened ShellArmor is increased. A new hardened shell reduced damage taken.2200 Gold
Sparking WingsPress Attack 3 to hover, causing sparks of magic to shoot out from behind.3000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Buggy BuddyPress Attack 2 twice to summon Buggy, a little bug who rides a dune ball and rolls up nearby enemies.4000 Gold

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