As you know, I recently ran into the two new swapable Skylanders: Freeze Blade, and Trap Shadow at a local Toys R Us. After this I searched the web a little bit and caught wind of a bunch of new possible wave 4 Skylander sitings. Most of these centered around Walmarts in different states. So I took to the stores today to do a little reconnaissance and…no luck. No characters, no information. None of the employees had any idea when new Skylanders would arrive. However, judging by the number of sitings from people on reddit,
in other parts of the country, it’s obvious that we are just weeks, if not days from a wide spread roll out of wave 4 characters. So here are the Swap Force characters that seem to be headed for Wave 4.
- Freeze Blade (Possibly to show first at Toys R Us)
- Trap Shadow (Possibly to show first at Toys R Us)
- Nitro Freeze Blade (Target Exclusive, Rumored to show 3/23)
New Core
New Series 3
- Fire Bone Hot Dog (Possibly first to Walmart)
- Turbo Jet-Vac (Possibly first to Walmart)
New Lightcore
- Enchanted Lightcore Star Strike (Walmart Exclusive)
Springtime Chars (rumored 4/6 release date)
Keep in mind that this is still just speculation. More characters could be added should they start showing up on store shelves, in the next couple of weeks. If anything changes, I will update this article.
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