When he was young, Freeze Blade's family moved from the Frozen Wastelands of Vesh to the Great Lava Lakes. As it turned out, this was a very difficult adjustment for Freeze Blade. Not only was he the sole one of his kind, it was also incredibly hot and there was no ice to skate on whatsoever. But over the years, he learned to fit in with the other fire-like creatures and even discovered he had a magical ability to ice skate on any surface... even bubbling lava. One day, while out setting a new frozen lava speed record, he came across Blast Zone, who had just been ambushed by some nasty Spell Punks. After Freeze Blade stepped in to defend him, Blast Zone was so impressed by his skill in battle that he introduced him to Master Eon, who invited him to join the Skylanders.
Freeze Blade is a new Swap Force swappable Water Skylander with the Speed movement ability. He has one special variant character in Nitro Freeze Blade who also debuted in Swap Force.
Freeze Blade was released with Wave 4 Swap Force Characters.
Freeze Blade Unboxing
Card Stats | ||||
Attack: | 140 | Max Health | 280 | |
Defense: | 75 | Speed | 50 | |
Speed: | 200 | Armor | 6 | |
Luck: | 85 | Critical Hit | 8 | |
Elemental Power | 25 |
Body Attacks | |||
Chakram Throw | Press Attack 1 to throw an icy chakram. | Free | |
Frostcicle | Press Attack 3 to fire a shard of ice that freezes enemies. | 300 Gold | |
Icicles | Chakram gains a new layer of ice, making attacks do increased damage. | 800 Gold | |
Frigid Whirl | Hold Attack 1 to charge the chakram, then release to throw it. | 1000 Gold | |
Blizzard Blade Path | |||
Shaved Ice | Hold Attack 1 to charge the chakram, release to throw the chakram and shoot ice in every direction. | 1500 Gold | |
Whiteout | Ice projectiles from Shaved Ice do increased damage. | 2000 Gold | |
Ice Sculptor Path | |||
Oh Snow! | Hold Attack 3 to charge Frostcicle, release to freeze an entire area. | 1500 Gold | |
Ice to Meet You | Frostcicle and Oh Snow! do increased damage. | 2000 Gold | |
Soul Gem Ability | |||
Winter Chakram | Chakram attacks have increased critical hit chance and do extra frost damage | 3500 Gold | |
Leg Attacks | |||
Speedy Skate | Press Attack 2 to dash forward a short distance and damage enemies in the way. | Free | |
Ice Trail | Dashing leaves behind a trail of ice that slows enemies. | 300 Gold | |
Glacial Coat | Armor increased. | 800 Gold | |
Bladed Butterfly | Hold Attack 2 to perform a fancy skating trick that damages all enemies nearby. | 1000 Gold | |
Trail Freezer Path | |||
Flash Freeze | Press Attack 2 to dash, dashing will now leave behind an ice trail that damages enemies. | 1500 Gold | |
Nice Ice | Flash Freeze does increased damage. | 2000 Gold | |
Ice Skater Path | |||
Penalty Frost | Press Attack 2 to knock back an enemy, wherever the knocked back enemy lands will cause a large freezing explosion. | 1500 Gold | |
Iced Skates | Penalty Frost does increased damage. | 2000 Gold | |
Soul Gem Ability | |||
Iceberg Endurance | Dashing does increased damage and does not stop when attacked. | 3500 Gold |