The Gulper – Villain Review

Gulper - Villain ReviewThe Gulper – Villain Review

The Gulper is a Water trappable villain that you will be able to capture at the end of the first level – Soda Springs. He is the first Doom Raider villain you will be able to catch. From an early age, The Gulper had an enormous appetite and insatiable thirst for anything he could stuff in his mouth. At a young age, he won first place in the annual Deep-Fried-Triple-Cheeseburger eating contest and has worn the Crown of Gluttony every since. However, it is his love for soda which causes him to grow to colossal proportions and go on rampages. This caught the eye of the Golden Queen. The Golden Queen was looking to recruit someone who was incredibly dim-witted so that if they were ever captured, the Skylanders would not be able to extract any useful information. The Gulper fit that description perfectly.

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Bruiser Cruiser – Villain Review

Bruiser Cruiser - Villain ReviewBruiser Cruiser – Villain Review

Bruiser Cruiser is a Tech trappable villain that you will be able to capture in level 3 – Chompy Mountain. His quest is in the same level, so if you backtrack just a bit after you capture him, you’ll be able to evolve him right away. Bruiser Cruiser is a former troll boxing champion with a wicked one-two punch and a very large mech suit that mimics his every move.

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Sheep Creep – Villain Review

Sheep Creep - Villain ReviewSheep Creep – Villain Review

Sheep Creep is the first villain in the game that you will capture in level 1 – Soda Springs. He is a Life villain which means you will need a Life trap to capture him. You’ll then want to make sure he is loaded up in your Life Trap when you start Level 3 – Chompy Mountain, because his quest will be the first quest you come to on that level. Sheep Creep is baaaaaad news! After years of being pestered, it was inevitable that a sheep would finally go bad. That sheep was Sheep Creep, and he carries a big gun in the form of a couple of side mounted missile launchers.

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Chompy Mage – Villain Review

Chompy Mage – Villain Review

Chompy Mage - Villain ReviewThe Chompy Mage is the first Doom Raider in the game that you will capture. He is a Life villain which means you will need a Life trap to capture him. The Chompy Mage is an old magician who was raised by Chompies. He grew up embracing the Chompy way, believing that Skylands would be a better place if everyone was a Chompy. He was locked up inside Cloudcracker Prison for trying to perform illegal enchantments to turn the inhabitants of Skylands into Chompies. It was there he met the Doom Raiders who thought he was completely crazy, but since the Chompy Mage can see through the eyes of any Chompy in Skylands he was accepted into the group for being a very good spy.  

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