Today we have the Undead Skylander Portal Pops and Rests from Skylanders Trap Team. These are all of the intro and rest animations for the Undead Skylanders.

Today we have the Undead Skylander Portal Pops and Rests from Skylanders Trap Team. These are all of the intro and rest animations for the Undead Skylanders.
Short Cut is a new Undead Trap Master making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. Short Cut made the finest clothing in all of Skylands. His magic shears could cut through any cloth, any thread, and follow any pattern. One day a fleet of skeleton pirates appeared in flying ships. They had just stolen a cargo of golden yarn from some local fortunetellers. The pirate captain demanded that Short Cut use the yarn to make him a magic hat that would tell him the future of anyone in Skylands. Short Cut did not want his worked used for evil, so that night while all the pirates were sleeping on their ships, he snuck onto the ships and sewed together the pants and shirts of the sleeping pirates so they couldn’t fight. Then he took his magic shears and cut all of the sails and wrapped them around the ships which prevented the pirates from escaping. Master Eon found out about his brave capturing of the pirates and offered to make him a member of the Trap Team. Now Short Cut uses his Traptanium Shears to cut evil’s future short.
Lias and I continue on with the Kaos Doom Challenge (Waves 66-80). Today we play the second to last set of waves called the Twisted Twister Docks. We also continue to use some of our Wave 4 Skylanders who are still a bit under the level recommendations. Enjoy!
About a week ago I was in my local Toys R Us and they had all of Wave 4 Trap Team figures on display. The only thing I didn’t see were the single light and dark traps that were supposed to be out. I went ahead and got everything I could find, including a couple of what I thought were wave 3 traps. So here it is, our Trap Team Mega Epic Unboxing (Wave 4) video. Enjoy! Only one more small wave to go!