It’s been long rumored what characters for Wave 3 Swap Force might contain for the US, but based on some stores getting in a very few characters before Christmas, it looks like a widespread Wave 3 release is right around the corner. Here is a list of what is rumored to be in Wave 3 and those characters that have already appeared on store shelves for a very brief period of time. I have personally seen all of the core Skylanders as they were released to Toys R Us first. I have heard rumors that Target had the three Swapable Skylanders, but I have not seen them, and I have heard nothing of the lightcores or other packs actually being in the wild yet.
Update: It appears that once again Toys R Us has priority. As of Tuesday 1/7/14, I have seen all of the Wave 3 Skylanders at my local Toys R Us as they just got a new shipment. A quick look online does not show any Wave 3 characters at any other retailers yet including Amazon.
- Rubble Rouser
- Stink Bomb
- Spy Rise
- Dunebug
- Smolderdash
- Phantom Cynder
- Hyper Beam Prism Break
- Horn Blast Whirlwind
- Jolly Bumble Blast (Already out and most likely gone)
- Lightcore Countdown
- Lightcore Wham-Shell
- Sheep Wreck Island Adventure Pack including Wind-Up
- Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack with Grim Creeper and Thorn Horn Camo
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