Here are the Trap Team Water Portal Pops and Rests. These are all of the intro and rest animations for the Water Skylanders.

Here are the Trap Team Water Portal Pops and Rests. These are all of the intro and rest animations for the Water Skylanders.
Echo is a new Water core Skylander making her debut in Skylanders Trap Team. She comes from an undersea kingdom that was built around a giant oyster shell. This oyster held the famous Pearl of Wisdom at it’s center. Every day, water dragons from all over the kingdom would come to the Pearl to ask it questions. This was a sacred ritual, so anyone living near the Pearl was required to be quiet and speak only in whispers. Echo happened to live right next door to the Pearl and she had a very hard time abiding by those rules. One day, a gang of sea horses called the Aqua Jocks decided to steal the Pearl. They cast an unbreakable bubble around the pearl and attempted to drag it away. Many of the nearby water dragons, tried to call for help, but found that they no longer knew how to be loud since they had been quiet for so long. However, Echo was there and she saw the Aqua Jocks trying to take the Pearl. She let out her loudest sonar blast which shattered the bubble and blew the Aqua Jockeys out of the kingdom. Her heroic actions caught the attention of Gill Grunt who recruited her as a Skylander. Now she sounds off against evil all throughout Skylands.
Lias and I continue on with the Kaos Doom Challenge (Waves 66-80). Today we play the second to last set of waves called the Twisted Twister Docks. We also continue to use some of our Wave 4 Skylanders who are still a bit under the level recommendations. Enjoy!
About a week ago I was in my local Toys R Us and they had all of Wave 4 Trap Team figures on display. The only thing I didn’t see were the single light and dark traps that were supposed to be out. I went ahead and got everything I could find, including a couple of what I thought were wave 3 traps. So here it is, our Trap Team Mega Epic Unboxing (Wave 4) video. Enjoy! Only one more small wave to go!