December 21st marks the release of the Light Element Expansion Pack and the Dark Element Expansion Pack. It also seems to mark the beginning of the Wave 3 release characters. Toys R Us once again will have a temporary jump on other retailers. This morning at my local Toys R Us, I saw both of the new expansion packs, two new mini packs: Gill Runt with Thumpling and Small Fry with Weeruptor, and two new core Skylanders in Cobra Cadabra and Trail Blazer. I did not see the two new core Skylanders of the light and dark elements that were rumored to be out with the expansion packs. However, my local Toys R Us employee said they are expecting more characters on Tuesday or Wednesday and then again after Christmas. There are rumors of other characters that will be part of a Wave 3 release. Be sure to check out all of the possible Wave 3 figures that we have pieced together here. By early January we should see all of Wave 3 characters in stores.