Well, it didn’t take long. Just two days after the release of Skylanders Trap Team and the Wave 1 Skylanders, Toys R Us has started to sell Trap Team Wave 2 characters. In the past Toys R Us almost always gets first dibs on selling the new Skylanders. So it’s no surprise that they have shown up at Toys R Us first. It is a bit of a surprise that it’s happened just 2 days after the release. If you don’t like the pay the Toys R Us premium for getting those characters early (though they often run buy one get one 40% off which almost makes up for the increase) you should start seeing this wave trickle into other retailers over the next few weeks. So here is the list of Trap Team Wave 2 Skylanders now available at Toys R Us.
Trap Masters
Core Skylanders
Adventure Packs
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