Yesterday 1/22/14 Target restocked their shelves and on them were some Wave 3 Skylanders. At the stores I went to I saw all three Swappable characters, both Lightcore Characters and a Triple Pack. I did not see Sheep Wreck Island, or the Arkeyan Crossbow Battle Pack. For the Core Skylanders, I saw Smolderdash, Hyperbeam Prism Break, and Horn Blast Whirlwind. I did not see Dune Bug or Phantom Cynder, but they are both listed on Target’s Website with a release date of 1/31. I’m not sure if my Targets broke some kind of street date, or if they just got their shipments in earlier than they thought, but all three stores I visited in my area had some of the Wave 3 characters on the shelves. So now is the time Portal Master! Go get your Wave 3 Skylanders at Target and use your RedCard to save 5%. Also, you may want to call ahead and ask if they have Spy Rise or Rubble Rouser. Those were two I saw the most of by far.