Ok, here is the collection of Fire Portal Pops and Rests for the Trap Team characters. We have nine entrances and rest animations for all of the Fire elements.

Ok, here is the collection of Fire Portal Pops and Rests for the Trap Team characters. We have nine entrances and rest animations for all of the Fire elements.
Chef Pepper Jack is a Doom Raider villain that can be captured on the fifth level – Chef Zeppelin of Skylanders Trap Team. Chef Pepper Jack was once one of the most famous celebrity chefs in all of Skylands. One day he discovered some ancient recipes for evil delicacies. That’s when he turned his thriving restaurant into a formidable criminal empire. He would fly his zeppelin fortress over a village and demand they surrender all of their money. If they refused, he would drop his spicy pepper bombs that would blow up everything. The Golden Queen valued this explosive approach and recruited him to be a Doom Raider. He was perfect for those who like their bad guys extra spicy.
At the Nintendo Direct for E3, Activision unveiled two new Skylanders and two new Signature Vehicles coming specifically to the Nintendo versions of SuperChargers. These characters will be Skylanders in the Skylanders game, but a unique twist of their base will transform the characters into Amiibos to be used in other Amiibo supported Nintendo titles. Hammer Slam Bowser, and Turbo Charge Donkey Kong will be the two new Skylanders. They will be driving the Clown Cruiser and Barrel Blaster respectively.
From looking at the characters closely, it appears that Turbo Charge Donkey Kong will be a Life Element, and Hammer Slam Bowser will be a Fire Element. I can only assume that these are in addition to the already mentioned 20 characters and vehicles available to the game but I have not heard any word from Activision about this yet. These are the first Skylanders to be platform specific, so if you want to play with these characters you will want to grab one of the Nintendo versions of Skylanders SuperChargers.
Trail Blazer is a new core Fire Skylander making his debut in Trap Team. Trail Blazer is a unicorn who has a bit of a temper whenever he sees anything unfair. One day he came across another unicorn trapped in a net. This wasn’t just any unicorn trapped in the net, it was the mythical Unocorn. The Unocorn was a magical unicorn with a Churro Horn that sprinkled enchanted cinnamon throughout Skylands. Trail Blazer immediately set the Unocorn free from his trap. Just then the Dark Wizards, who had set the trap appeared. They were very angry at Trail Blazer for ruining their trap. Trail Blazer however, was just as angry. He was furious at the unfair trapping of the Unocorn. Somehow, some of the spicy cinnamon from the Churro Horn had rubbed off on Trail Blazer and mixed with his elemental fire. Trail Blazer was literally set ablaze with fury! He ran fiery circles around the wizards forcing them to run away. Trail Blazer realized that he could use his fiery powers to fight evil so he sought out the Skylanders who welcomed him as a new member.
Torch is a new Fire core Skylander making her debut in Trap Team. As a child, Torch worked with her grandfather as a dragon keeper. They tended to a stable of dragons which protected their village. One year they were attacked by an evil Snow Dragon. The dragon unleashed a blizzard that froze her entire village in an ice glacier! Torch was the only one to escape. She immediately went to rescue her village and her dragons armed with her Firespout Flamethrower. She fought long and hard and eventually defeated the Snow Dragon in an epic battle. Once the village was free she returned home looking for her grandfather. But he wasn’t there, he was missing. All that Torch found was her grandfather’s lucky flaming horseshoe. Now that Torch is a Skylander, she uses her powerful Firespout Flamethrower and her grandfather’s lucky horseshoe to battle evil and hopefully one day will find the grandfather she lost.
Share this article!Wildfire is a new Fire Trap Master making his debut in Trap Team. Wildfire also has one alternate version called Dark Wildfire which comes with the Dark Edition of Skylanders Trap Team. Wildfire was once a member of the Fire Claw Clan. He wanted to enter the Rite of Infernos, which was a test of survival on the dangerous Fire Plains. However, he was made of gold, and because of this he was not allowed to participate in the Rite of Infernos. On the nite of the test, Wildfire took his father’s enchanted shield and followed the path the other lions had gone. He found the lions trapped by a giant flame scorpion. Wildfire used his shield to block the scorpion’s stinging tail attacks and allowed the other lions to escape. Unfortunately Wildfire was hurt in the fight, but his father’s enchanted shield charged Wildfire, magnifying the strength that was in his heart. This made him the strongest lion of his clan. Now Wildfire is part of the Trap Team and uses his Traptanium bonded shield to defend all of those in need.
Today Conner unboxes Fryno for Skylanders Swap Force. This is the springtime edition Fryno, though the same character can be found in regular packaging. Conner in uncharacteristically quiet for this unboxing. But guess what he thinks Fryno’s horn looks like? Check it out and let us know what you think of Fryno.
Today we unbox the most recent Skylander to be released for Skylanders Swap Force: Jade Fire Kraken. This is a special colored variant of Fire Kraken and will appear as Jade Fire Kraken in the game. Enjoy and let us know which Fire Kraken you like better.
It seems like I am often surprised by Toys R Us weekly adds which seem to often contain a brand new released Skylander Figure. This week it happened again. Jade Fire Kraken available now at your local Toys R Us or via the website. I would call before you go though as only one of the stores in my area actually had the figure in stock. Toys R Us is also running a little sale on the new figure. If you buy Jade Fire Kraken, then you can get any other one regularly priced Skylander figure for 50% off. The website state restrictions apply but listed over 130 eligible figures, so other than figures that are on clearance, I’m not sure what other figures are excluded. We picked ours up today and I believe that was the last named Swap Force figure we needed? Time to start saving up for Trap Team!
Update: Also found out that Jade Fire Kraken is also out at Best Buy
Share this article!Blast Zone is a new Swappable Fire Skylander for Skylanders Swap Force. He is a Furnace Knight with the Rocket movement ability. His back story indicates that he swallowed 100 bombs thrown down his chimney by some trolls and then belched jet fire back at his enemies. As a result his body is now made entirely of flame. You can see this in his character as the parts that are not covered by his armor, his helmet, mid section and one of his knees, looks like flames. His black and copper colored armor covers most of his body and looks like he could be a walking furnace. He holds two lit bombs, one in each hand and is ready to use them. Even his stance indicates he is moving and is ready to jump into battle. Overall, he is a very powerful looking figure. Blast Zone also has an alternate version called Dark Blast Zone. Dark Blast Zone looks identical to Blast Zone in pose, but has a darker black armor highlighted in silver rather than bronze. I think this makes him look even more dangerous. Dark Blast Zone also starts with slightly different stats according to his card.
Blast Zone starts of with some abilities that seem to be slightly above average. He can throw bombs which gives him a bit of a decent ranged attack, and he is able to throw them fairly rapidly one after another. He also starts off with a dash move, which gives him that little extra burst of speed that allows him to get out of trouble quickly. Once you start throwing upgrades on to Blast Zone he becomes a very powerful Skylander in your collection. One early upgrade adds the ability to create a wall of fire to damage enemies. Then that can be upgraded to be able to fully surround Blast Zone. Other upgrades will also make your bombs more powerful and adds an attack to his dash.
As a swappable character there are two different upgrade paths to choose, one for his body and one for his legs. The body paths let you focus either on stronger bomb attacks or a stronger ring of fire. The leg paths both affect dashing, where you can either add a powerful heat wave when finished, or to create a momentary fire shield that damages enemies around it. Any of these upgrades are extremely powerful and useful in battle, making Blast Zone one of our most used characters.
Also as a swappable character he has two soul gem abilities. One doubles the amount of bombs thrown at one time, and the other further enhances the dash attack by leaving a trail of fire behind. Neither is a flashy upgrade, but both add even more attack power to what was already one of the strongest attacking Skylanders available.
It was surprising to see a character that came with the game become this powerful but Blast Zone is probably one of the best and easiest swappable Skylanders to use.
Card Stats | ||||
Attack: | 180 | Max Health | 290 | |
Defense: | 50 | Speed | 43 | |
Speed: | 150 | Armor | 24 | |
Luck: | 70 | Critical Hit | 6 | |
Elemental Power | 25 |
Card Stats | ||||
Attack: | 190 | Max Health | 290 | |
Defense: | 90 | Speed | 43 | |
Speed: | 130 | Armor | 24 | |
Luck: | 50 | Critical Hit | 6 | |
Elemental Power | 25 |
Body Attacks | |||
Bomb Throw | Press Attack 1 to throw a bomb at enemies. | Free | |
Flame Breath | Hold Attack 3 while turning to create a wall of fire that damages nearby enemies. | 300 Gold | |
Power Bombs | Press Attack 1 to throw bombs that do increased damage. | 800 Gold | |
Sticky Bombs | Hold Attack 1 to charge a Bomb, release to throw a timed sticky bomb. | 1000 Gold | |
Ignition Path | |||
Flaming Bombs | Bombs catch fire when they pass through the fire wall created by Flame Breath, dealing increased damage in an area. | 1500 Gold | |
Fired Up! | Flaming Bombs do even more damage in a larger area. | 2000 Gold | |
Reaction Satisfaction Path | |||
Ring of Fire | Creating a full circle with Flame Breath causes a massive explosion. | 1500 Gold | |
Ring Blast | Ring of Fire does increased damage in a larger area. | 2000 Gold | |
Soul Gem Ability | |||
Bomb Party | New armor enhancements allow two bombs to be thrown at once! | 3500 Gold | |
Leg Attacks | |||
Rocket Dash | Hold Attack 2 to dash around with rocket boots. | Free | |
Ready for Blast Off | Hold Attack 2 to charge a rocket dash and deal damage to nearby enemies. | 300 Gold | |
Armor Plating | Armor is increased. | 800 Gold | |
Fuel for the Fire | Hold Attack 2 to dash, dashing now lasts for as long as Attack 2 is held. | 1000 Gold | |
Fuel Injected Path | |||
Heat Wave | A rocket-fueled fireball is shot out at the end of a dash. | 1500 Gold | |
Tempered Fire | A more powerful Heat Wave is shot out at the end of dashing. | 2000 Gold | |
Temperatures Rising Path | |||
Flamed | A fiery aura appears after dashing, which damages any nearby enemy. | 1500 Gold | |
Too Hot to Handle | An even more powerful fire aura appears at the end of dashing. | 2000 Gold | |
Soul Gem Ability | |||
Hot Feet | A fire trail is left behind while dashing that damages enemies. | 3500 Gold |
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