SuperChargers Racing Part 5 – The Marvelous Tour

SuperChargers Racing Part 5 - The Marvelous TourToday the boys and I start our third tour in Skylanders SuperChargers Racing: The Marvelous Tour. This tour introduces a new race mode called Danger Zone, where we must drive and avoid falling Grinnades. I believe we have seen most of the other race modes before, but watch to see how the boys and I do as we try to get half way through this tour.

SuperChargers Racing Part 5 – The Marvelous Tour

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SkylanderNutts Plays SuperChargers Racing Part 2 – The Glorious Tour Finished

SuperChargers Racing Part 2 The Glorious Tour FinishedToday the boys and I finish off the Glorious Tour for Skylanders SuperChargers Racing. Last time I think we played a few too many races so this video is a bit shorter. We only had two races/challenges to go in the Glorious Tour so we finished those off. From now on, I think we’ll have a better idea on which icon’s are races and which are just gates. We will try to shoot for two or maybe three videos per tour from here on out.

SuperChargers Racing Part 2 – The Glorious Tour Finished

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SkylanderNutts Plays SuperChargers Racing Part 1 – The Glorious Tour

SuperChargers Racing Part 1 The Glorious TourWe’re back! We hope everyone had a good holiday season. We are going to start the year by playing through Skylanders SuperChargers Racing. The only experience the boys have with racing like this comes from Mario Kart 8. I on the other hand have played all of the Mario Karts and more. Today we play through the first half of the first adventure level called The Glorious Tour. It looks like SuperChargers Racing will have plenty of interesting racing to challenge all of us so join us as we begin our racing journey.

The Glorious Tour (Part 1)

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SkylanderNutts Plays SuperChargers Finale! – The Sky Eater (Ch 46-51)

SkylanderNutts Plays SuperChargers - The Sky Eater (ch 46-51)Today we wrap up our SkylanderNutts Plays SuperChargers series, with a playthrough of the last level of the game: The Sky Eater. Thanks to everyone who watched, I know most of you probably have already beaten the game but we like to take things a little slower and we try to enjoy the game all year long. Enjoy watching use beat the game for the first time, and stay tuned to our last two walkthrough videos which will be put up next week before Christmas. We’ll be back after the new year with a look at the racing in Skylanders, Character Reviews, and more!

The Sky Eater Finale!

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