Pain-Yatta – Villain Review
Pain-Yatta is a Magic element villain that is hanging around Level 8 – Telescope Towers. You will find that Pain-Yatta is filled with candy, and evil. I’m not sure who’s idea it was to turn a pinata into a minion of evil, but I think it was a pretty genius idea. Pain-Yatta uses the sweet candy he has been filled with for years, to exact revenge on all those who ever raised a stick at him and everyone else in Skylands. He can either barf candy at his enemies or to smack them with his giant lollipop. Either way his foes are in for a sweet surprise. And did you know that he also had an ear for music? Well, not really, but he does make a nice bodyguard and is the favorite escort of the Gecko Chorus. You’ll find that out, when you take on his quest in Level 10 – The Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink.