Today we have the Undead Skylander Portal Pops and Rests from Skylanders Trap Team. These are all of the intro and rest animations for the Undead Skylanders.

Today we have the Undead Skylander Portal Pops and Rests from Skylanders Trap Team. These are all of the intro and rest animations for the Undead Skylanders.
Funny Bone is a brand new core Undead Skylander which debuts in Skylanders Trap Team. He comes from the funniest place in the land of the undead – Punch Line Island. It is also home to the Chuckling Trees who use magic to make everyone laugh when the breeze tickles them. One day Funny Bone was burying his neighbors birthday cake when he noticed strange beings with large axes. He immediately knew that the Chuckling Trees were in danger. So he defended the trees and chased away the invaders. Master Eon took note, and invited Funny Bone to become a Skylander.