Just Beat It – Opus The Day We Found Earth

Just Beat It - Opus The Day We Found EarthToday the boys and I find the last few planets in Opus The Day We Found Earth. SPOILER WARNING! We will be showing the last few moments of the game and be revealing the story as we have understood and discovered it through playing this game. If you have interest in discovering the ending for yourself then don’t watch. Otherwise, enjoy the ending and what we think of Opus The Day We Found Earth.

If you don’t know about this game, you can watch our SkylanderNutts Presents video here:

Just Beat It – Opus The Day We Found Earth

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SkylanderNutts Presents Opus The Day We Found Earth

SkylanderNutts Presents Opus The Day We Found EarthToday I bring another lesser known indie game to the boys. Opus The Day We Found Earth is described as a heartfelt adventure to explore space through the lens of a telescope. That sounded interesting to me, but I wasn’t sure how the boys would take to such a story focused game. The boys have liked space exploration games before, and Conner likes story games like Minecraft Story Mode. But the boys are mostly about action, so it was interesting to see if they would latch on to this game or not. Check it out!

We played this game on the Switch, but it’s also available on Steam, iOS, and Android.

SkylanderNutts Presents Opus The Day We Found Earth

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