Cobra Cadabra and King Cobra Cadabra – Skylander Review

Cobra Cadabra and King Cobra Cadabra – Skylander Review

Cobra Cadabra and King Cobra Cadabra - Skylander ReviewCobra Cadabra is a new Magic core Skylander making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. He began his journey as the assistant to the Great Mabuni, a traveling magician that performed all over Skylands. He dreamed of one day becoming a famous magician himself. The Mysteriously Mad Magic Masters of Mystery was a magicians guild that had for centuries taught all of the greatest magicians in Skylands. They refused to allow Cobra Cadabra to become a magician. The Great Mabuni though saw the potential in Cobra Cadabra and decided to teach him everything he knew. This was strictly forbidden by the Mysteriously Mad Magic Masters of Mystery and they soon found out. The guild sent a team of magic rabbit enforcers to punish Cobra Cadabra and the Great Mabuni. Cobra Cadabra remained calm. He used what he learned to play an enchanted tune on his flute and cast a spell on the rabbits, which he then led away. The guild was very impressed by this and decided to accept Cobra Cadabra as a member and made him a magician. Soon he was also made a member of the Skylanders.

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Trap Team – Kaos Doom Challenge (Waves 31-40)

Trap Team - Kaos Doom Challenge (Waves 31-40)Today we take on the Kaos Doom Challenge (Waves 31-40) in the Twice Doomed Marsh. We’re looking for the difficulty to start to ramp up. This set seems a little more difficult, but still pretty easy overall. Watch as I level up an almost new Cobra Cadabra and Conner ends up fighting with Full Blast Jet-Vac.


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