Blastermind – Skylander Review

Blastermind – Skylander Review

Blastermind - Skylander ReviewBlastermind is a new Magic Trap Master making his debut in Trap Team. Blastermind wasn’t always a Psychic powerhouse. He used to just be the “hide and sheep” champion of the Sardonic Mountains. One day, when he was about to set a new Skylands record, the ground beneath him collapsed and Blastermind fell into a deep, mysterious cavern filled with shimmering crystals. His friends were all at the top of the hole when a large Ham Dragon showed up having been disturbed by the rumble of the collapse. Blastermind felt helpless he worried greatly for his friends and desperately wanted to save them. What he didn’t know, was that those shimmering crystals lining the hole he fell in, were actually Psionic Power Crystals that the Ancients had used to amplify their thoughts. The crystals heard Blastermind’s worried thoughts about saving his friends and gave him awesome psionic powers. He used those powers to get himself out of the hole and to mentally blast the circling Ham Dragon. After that, Blastermind joined the Skylanders where he became a member of the Trap Team.

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