Doom Stone was carved from the strongest and purest stone in Skylands, then magically brought to life by a wizard who was rather lazy and wanted someone strong to carry heavy things and perform other tasks around his castle. Doom Stone happily helped, and in his spare time learned the ancient ways of Stone Fighting should he ever need to protect the wizard, who became like a father to him. Sure enough the need arose when the wizard was kidnapped by his evil twin brother in order to steal his spells for himself. Doom Stone wasted no time in using the skills he learned to save his master. Afterward, the wizard knew Doom Stone had a greater calling and introduced him to Master Eon, who made him a Skylander.
Doom Stone - Gold/Bronze is a chase variant of Doom Stone released for Skylanders Swap Force. This unique and rare character first started to appear randomly in stores in May of 2014. Apparently he just randomly appears in some shipments much like the colored variants of the past. This time though, instead of the entire character being bronze or gold or silver, this Swap Force figure has a Gold top and a Bronze bottom. Two other half and half variants have also been found. Stink Bomb - Silver/Gold and Trap Shadow - Bronze/Silver. Having all three will allow you to make an all gold figure of Doom Bomb, an all silver figure of Stink Shadow, and an all bronze figure of Trap Stone.