Skylanders SuperChargers is out! We spend the night/morning/day running around collecting all of the wave 1 characters and games that we wanted. We took advantage of the Buy one get one 40% off of characters at Toys R Us. We took advantage of the 20% off for Gamers Club Members at Best Buy to get the Dark Editions for $79.99, and we hunted down all of the store exclusives at Best Buy, Target, and Toys R Us. In the end, we think we have all of the Wave 1 characters that we care about. We didn’t get an “regular” versions of the game, so we are missing the regular versions of the characters that we have dark versions of. But we’ll get those later when the starter packs get super cheap and we want to play the game on a different system, like maybe the 3DS. We also have the Nintendo versions coming in a bit, so we will probably unbox those in a separate video. So for today we have our SuperChargers SuperCharged Wave 1 Unboxing. Enjoy!
SuperChargers SuperCharged Wave 1 Unboxing
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