After seeing the second edition of Eon’s Elite characters, which look far cooler than the first edition characters, I’ve decided to collect and cover the series. It also didn’t hurt that there was a buy one get one free sale at Gamestop a few weeks ago as the original retail price of $24.99 was just too much! In this video we unbox one of the figures to show you how they are packaged.
We also decided that one of you should give Eon’s Elite a try, so this month we are giving away Elite Spyro! He is the original Skylander and his Elite version is three times stronger than his original character. If you would like to win Elite Spyro then leave a comment on our YouTube video letting us know you’d like to win. The deadline is August 31st at 11:59 PM EST. You must be 18 or older to win and live in the US, so kids make sure your parents enter. Please read all of our sweepstakes rules here:
We also want to know what system you play Skylanders on? If I ever get the choice to pick up an old free game I’d be curious to know what the preferred platform of choice is for my visitors.
To keep informed on our future contests and to watch all of our other videos, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel! You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter. If you enter the giveaway remember to check your YouTube messages in early September to see if you are a winner.
Please note: this contest is not sponsored in any way by YouTube, Skylanders, or Activision.
Enjoy our Eon’s Elite Unboxing and Elite Spyro Giveaway video below.