Ok, here is the collection of Fire Portal Pops and Rests for the Trap Team characters. We have nine entrances and rest animations for all of the Fire elements.

Ok, here is the collection of Fire Portal Pops and Rests for the Trap Team characters. We have nine entrances and rest animations for all of the Fire elements.
Trail Blazer is a new core Fire Skylander making his debut in Trap Team. Trail Blazer is a unicorn who has a bit of a temper whenever he sees anything unfair. One day he came across another unicorn trapped in a net. This wasn’t just any unicorn trapped in the net, it was the mythical Unocorn. The Unocorn was a magical unicorn with a Churro Horn that sprinkled enchanted cinnamon throughout Skylands. Trail Blazer immediately set the Unocorn free from his trap. Just then the Dark Wizards, who had set the trap appeared. They were very angry at Trail Blazer for ruining their trap. Trail Blazer however, was just as angry. He was furious at the unfair trapping of the Unocorn. Somehow, some of the spicy cinnamon from the Churro Horn had rubbed off on Trail Blazer and mixed with his elemental fire. Trail Blazer was literally set ablaze with fury! He ran fiery circles around the wizards forcing them to run away. Trail Blazer realized that he could use his fiery powers to fight evil so he sought out the Skylanders who welcomed him as a new member.
Well, it’s been a while since we have done any of the Kaos Doom Challenges, but is changing. With the levels coming to an end, and with Lias and I getting near the end of Arena Battles we are not starting to focus on clearing all of the Doom Challenges. So far it does not feel overly challenging. We are discovering though, that it is a very fast and easy way to build both money and experience for our new Skylanders. Watch as Conner and I play the Kaos Doom Challenge (Waves 11-20) in the Horrible Something Temple and see how we gain several levels for a couple of our newer Skylanders.