Ok, here is the collection of Fire Portal Pops and Rests for the Trap Team characters. We have nine entrances and rest animations for all of the Fire elements.

Ok, here is the collection of Fire Portal Pops and Rests for the Trap Team characters. We have nine entrances and rest animations for all of the Fire elements.
Torch is a new Fire core Skylander making her debut in Trap Team. As a child, Torch worked with her grandfather as a dragon keeper. They tended to a stable of dragons which protected their village. One year they were attacked by an evil Snow Dragon. The dragon unleashed a blizzard that froze her entire village in an ice glacier! Torch was the only one to escape. She immediately went to rescue her village and her dragons armed with her Firespout Flamethrower. She fought long and hard and eventually defeated the Snow Dragon in an epic battle. Once the village was free she returned home looking for her grandfather. But he wasn’t there, he was missing. All that Torch found was her grandfather’s lucky flaming horseshoe. Now that Torch is a Skylander, she uses her powerful Firespout Flamethrower and her grandfather’s lucky horseshoe to battle evil and hopefully one day will find the grandfather she lost.
Share this article!Since we have felt like we are a little behind with the Kaos Doom Challenges we decided to take on the next 10 waves today. We have discovered that the Kaos Doom Challenges are an excellent way to bring a new Skylander up to speed quickly. Conner has the idea to start with DroBit but eventually ends up using Torch while I use an almost brand new Hijinx. It’s still not very challenging as we blow through most of these waves. I do however gain many levels for Hijinx. Watch as Conner and I play the Kaos Doom Challenge (Waves 21-30) in the Worst Nightmare Marsh and see how we gain several levels for a couple of our newer Skylanders.