Spyros Adventure – All Winged Sapphires

Spyros Adventure - All Winged SapphiresI know I should have done this video sooner but the more specialized videos took a little longer than I thought they would. Today though, I show you how to get all ten of the Winged Sapphires in Skylanders Spyros Adventure. I also show some of the other things you can do in the main overworld of Spyros Adventure called the Ruins. I finish the video with the balloon tour with Flynn. Enjoy!

Spryos Adventure – All Winged Sapphires

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Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 26 – Dragons Peak)

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 26 - Dragons Peak)Today I will take you through the last of the Adventure Packs for Skylanders Spyros Adventure: The Dragon’s Peak. I’ll show you which path you’ll have to take if you want to get all of the collectibles on one playthrough. We’ll be doing a lot of flying in this level as we help Flavious get the thrown back for King Ramses. Enjoy!


Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 26 – Dragons Peak)

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Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 25 – Darklight Crypt)

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 25 - Darklight Crypt)Today I walkthrough what I believe is the longest of the Adventure Pack Levels for Skylanders Spyros Adventure: Chapter 25 – Darklight Crypt. This is one of those levels where you must flip switches to change between different layouts. It can get a little confusing but I’ll still be able to show you where to find all of the treasure, soul gems and other collectibles on the level.

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 25 – Darklight Crypt)

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Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 24 – Pirate Seas)

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 24 - Pirate Seas)Today I walkthrough Chapter 24 – Pirate Seas for Skylanders Spyros Adventure. This is one of the Adventure Packs that was released for Spyros Adventure and it came with Terrafin and a bonus level for the game. This level is full of a bunch of battles with pirates using a card matching game. It’s not the most exciting card game and it’s not very hard but there sure is a lot of it. Check it out as I show you how to beat all of the pirates as well as find all of the treasure, hats and other collectibles on the level!

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 24 – Pirate Seas)

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Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 21 – Arkeyan Armory)

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 21 - Arkeyan Armory)Today we retrieve the last of the eternal sources needed for rebuilding the core of light, the Eternal Magic Source. We’ll find all of the treasure chests, a soul gem, and a hat. And if you want to get the Legendary Treasure, you better get out an Earth Skylander. I’ll show you how to find it all in our Walkthrough of Chapter 21 – the Arkeyan Armory for Skylanders Spyros Adventure! Check it out!

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 21 – Arkeyan Armory)

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Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 20 – Quicksilver Vault)

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 20 - Quicksilver Vault)We’re getting close to the end of our Skylanders Spyros Adventure walkthrough. But before we get there we must first go through the Quicksilver Vault and retrieve a vial of Quicksilver. In this level, we’ll flip some levers, move some blocks and walk down a bunch of chains. In the end, we’ll find all of the collectibles as we make our way to the vial of Quicksilver. Enjoy!

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 20 – Quicksilver Vault)

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Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 19 – Lava Lakes Railway)

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 19 - Lava Lakes Railway)Today we are ready to retrieve the Eternal Fire Source in Skylanders Spyros Adventure. We will find some switches, move some blocks, and battle some enemies over lava before taking on the evil Fire minions of Kaos. I’ll also help you find all of the collectibles which seem to be getting easier to find. Check it out!


Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 19 – Lava Lakes Railway)

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Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 18 – Molekin Mine)

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 18 - Molekin Mine)Today we begin our quest for the Eternal Fire Source in Skylanders Spyros Adventure. But first we must save some Molekin miners who are trapped in a cave-in and retrieve the Crucible of the Ages. I’ll show you how to do that as well as get all of the treasure chests, soul gems, hats and more in our Spyros Adventure Walkthrough of Ch 18 – Molekin Mine.


Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 18 – Molekin Mine)

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Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 17 – Creepy Citadel)

Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 17 - Creepy Citadel)This week we finally finish up the Undead levels in Skylanders Spyros Adventure. I will take you through Chapter 17 – The Creepy Citadel. I will show you how to find all of the collectibles, then we’ll take on the evil undead Skylanders and Kaos to retrieve the eternal undead source. Check it out!


Spyros Adventure Walkthrough (Ch 17 – Creepy Citadel)

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