Skylanders Spyros Adventure – Cutscene Theater (Adventure Packs)

Skylanders Spyros Adventure - Cutscene Theater (Adventure Packs)Thanks to YouTuber Eric Grant for pointing out that I never did a Cutscene Theater for the Adventure Packs of Skylanders Spyros Adventure. I thought I had included them in another game’s cutscene theater as the adventure packs were used again in Skylanders Giants, but it didn’t look like that was the case. Either way, they deserve their own video, even if I did include them elsewhere. So here is the Cutscene Theater for the Adventure Packs of Skylanders Spyros Adventure. Enjoy!

Skylanders Spyros Adventure – Cutscene Theater (Adventure Packs)

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Spyros Adventure – Cutscene Theater (Main Game)

Spyros Adventure - Cutscene Theater (Main Game)Here is my Skylanders Spyros Adventure – Cutscene Theater for the main game. This is a movie of the story parts of Spyros Adventure for when you want to relive the adventure without actually playing the game again. Enjoy!

If you like this video, make sure you subscribe and check out our other Cutscene Theater videos as well as walkthroughs, first-time playthroughs and other fun Skylanders videos. Also, check out our other game series’ such as our “SkylanderNutts Presents” where we take a look at other games we like, “Just Beat It” where we play the final parts and beat the games we’re playing, and more!

Spyros Adventure – Cutscene Theater (Main Game)

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SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 21-22 and Kaos Boss Battle)

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 21-22 and Kaos Boss Battle)Today the boys tackle the last two chapters of Skylanders Spyros Adventure. These levels are a little more focused on the co-op gameplay to get through and the boys are NOT on the same page. They end up getting a little mad at each other before they are able to work well enough to pass the levels. As always though, they get through it, and by the time they are fighting Kaos, they are back on the same page. Enjoy the last two levels and our final Kaos boss fight.

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 21-22 and Kaos Boss Battle)

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SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 19-20)

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 19-20)We are getting close to the end of the game now. To my surprise, we actually get the Eternal Fire Source and have a boss battle on our first level. It goes against pattern set by the rest of the game but the boys don’t seem to mind. Next, we start our quest for the last elemental source the Eternal Magic Source. Check it out!


SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 19-20)

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SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 17-18)

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 17-18)Today the boys play through the next two chapters of their replay of Spyros Adventure. They start by having a tough time with the undead boss battle for the Eternal Undead Source. Part of that may have been my fault as I was dictating which Skylander they had to use each time they died. Then they travel into the Molekin Mine where they actually tackle some puzzles to get some extra loot. Despite having a tougher than normal time with a couple of the puzzles, they fight through and persevere.

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 17-18)

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SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 15-16)

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 15-16)Today we enter the world of the undead as we start to look for the eternal undead source in Skylanders Spyros Adventure. The boys enter the dungeons to find mazes, puzzles, and spiders in trying to navigate their way through the levels. Once again exploring falls by the wayside as Conner just tries to make his way through the levels. They don’t quite make it to the undead source but they do recover a mask and a skeleton key. Check it out!

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 15-16)

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SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 13-14)

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 13-14)Today the boys continue their quest for the Eternal Tech Source in Skylanders Spyros Adventure. First, they go to the Goo Factory so they can get the glowing green goo. Next, they go to the battlefield to retrieve the Eternal Tech Source. They seemed to really like the Battlefield level for some reason and they did pretty well overall in these chapters. Check it out!


SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 13-14)

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SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 11-12)

SkylanderNutts Repays Spyros Adventure (Ch 11-12)We’re back to play through the next two chapters of Spyros Adventure. Today the boys take on the Falling Forest and the Troll Warehouse as well as our second boss fight. For whatever reason, these levels stood out to Conner as he remembered them pretty well from his first playthrough six years ago. Overall they did a pretty good job today. Check it out!

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 11-12)

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SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 9-10)

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 9-10)Ok, we are just rolling through the adventure now! Today the boys play through Stonetown and Treetop Terrace for Skylanders Spyros Adventure. I think they do a pretty good job, but I don’t think Lias likes Arbo since he doesn’t understand how a tree can talk with a tongue hanging out of his mouth. Still, they manage to get the Earth source and start to get the life source. Enjoy!

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 9-10)

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SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 7-8)

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 7-8)Today we play the next two chapters in Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure. This is the level that Conner did not like when he was three. He was very upset when he was swallowed by a big fish but he doesn’t remember that anymore. Today the boys figure out that the old boss battles, without jumping, were quite challenging. Watch as they take on some of Kaos’s special minions in the first main boss battle of the game. Then they go on to the Crystal Eye Castle to begin their journey to the next piece of the Core of Light. Enjoy!

SkylanderNutts Replays Spyros Adventure (Ch 7-8)

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