SkylanderNutts Presents – Labo Variety Pack – Piano

SkylanderNutts Presents - Labo Variety Pack - PianoToday we finish our SkylanderNutts series on the Nintendo Labo Variety Pack by building the Piano. It’s the longest project in the pack with a suggested time of 2:30 to 3 hours so get ready for a bunch of folding and complaining. I wanted to complete it with a faster time, but as it turns out it did take a pretty long time. Check it out to see if the piano was worth the build!


SkylanderNutts Presents – Labo Variety Pack – Piano

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SkylanderNutts Presents – Nintendo Labo Variety Pack – Fishing Rod

SkylanderNutts Presents - Nintendo Labo Variety Pack - Fishing RodToday we build the Fishing Rod from the Labo Variety Pack. It looks more complicated than it is, and I think we do a pretty good job of putting it together fast. Once we get to playing the game, I think I’d have to say that it’s my favorite use of Labo so far. Join us as we build the fishing rod and explore the fishing game.


SkylanderNutts Presents – Nintendo Labo Variety Pack – Fishing Rod

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SkylanderNutts Presents – Nintendo Labo Variety Pack – House

SkylanderNutss Presents - Nintendo Labo Variety Pack - House

Today we have round 3 of our series on the Nintendo Labo Variety Pack. The boys wanted to build the house this time, however, I think the boys are beginning to get a little bored with the folding of the cardboard. Once the house is built and they get to play with it, they really enjoy the discovery part of the game. Check it out!

SkylanderNutts Presents – Nintendo Labo Variety Pack – House

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SkylanderNutts Presents – Nintendo Labo Variety Pack – Motorbike

SkylanderNutts Presents - Nintendo Labo Variety Pack - MotorbikeWe’re back with our second look at Nintendo Labo. Today we take on a tougher task in building the Motorbike. It takes a while to build, but by the end of it, the kids are pretty impressed with the cardboard controller and how it works with the game. Check it out!


SkylanderNutts Presents – Nintendo Labo Variety Pack – Motorbike

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SkylanderNutts Presents – Nintendo Labo – RC Car

SkylanderNutts Presents - Nintendo Labo - RC Car

Today we start on our Nintendo Labo journey. We unbox the Variety Pack and dig into the software. We learn how to punch out the pieces and fold the patterns and make a practice Joy-Con holder. Finally, we build the RC Car after learning how long each of the builds is going to take. Watch to see how the boys want to handle the cardboard and if they are able to follow the on-screen instructions. Enjoy!

SkylanderNutts Presents – Nintendo Labo – RC Car

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