This year instead of having Conner just do single unboxings, we are all going to unbox as many as we can. So today Skylanders Trap Team was released and after a day of shopping we have our first Trap Team Mega Epic Unboxing. We unbox almost everything that came out today as part of the Wave 1 release of characters for Trap Team including both the 3DS version of the game and the Limited Dark Edition. What we did not unbox was the Nightmare Express Adventure Pack, Nitro Krypt King and Legendary Jawbreaker. We should be getting these items in the mail soon. So we might have to do another Mini-Mega Epic Unboxing when we get those. I mention in the video that we would attach a look at the first level to the game. Well, this video was almost an hour long, so we will just post a separate video for a look at the first level. Also, this was the first time all three of us did an unboxing video. As such we used a different microphone set up, and the placement wasn’t the best as occasionally I block the microphone and muffle the sound a little. I think we can fix that for next time. So sit back and enjoy the three of us as we tear through the first wave of Skylanders for Skylanders Trap Team.