Fling Kong – Skylander Review
Fling Kong is a new Air core Skylander making his debut in Skylanders Trap Team. Fling Kong used to be the royal protector of the legendary monkey idol: Kubla-Wa. He had trained in a form of fighting which used the power of air called Monk-Ru. As a seriously dedicated student, he was always first to arrive for training and the last to leave. One day, a bunch of foul-smelling, well-armed Gorilla-Goos showed up led by the famous General Snot. Snot had learned that the idol was made of solid gold and was determined to steal it. They quickly took control of the temple which held the idol and were about to take it when Fling Kong showed up. Fling Kong attacked with the power of a Monk-Ru master! He used his flying rug and powerful vortex discs to defeat the Gorilla-Goos and save the idol. Soon after, Master Eon invited Fling Kong to become a Skylander where he can knock the wind out of evil throughout the Skylands.