As a young troll, Boomer loved to blow things up -- particularly sheep. Later, he was drafted into the troll army, where they gave him LOTS of things to blow up. However, Boomer soon realized the sole mission of the army was war and conquest. Even though he was a troll, these things didn't interest him. So he left the trolls after saving a town from being destroyed by them. Not long after, he was invited to be a Skylander -- the only troll ever to win such an honor. Now he uses his explosive skills to fight evil... much to the relief of sheep everywhere.
Elite Boomer will be released with the second year of Eon's Elite characters during the SuperChargers game. He will be released in the second wave of Eon's Elite figures estimated to be available in December 2015.
The second year of Eon's Elite characters have new unique poses but still sit on a gold base with a clear uncolored bottom as they do not belong to any one game. Eon's Elite characters are three times stronger than the original character.
Elite Boomer has only one other variant, the original Boomer from Spyro's Adventure.