What he lacks in size, Buzzer Beak more than makes up for in courage, helicopter blades, and a good dive bomb attack.
Buzzer Beak is a new Air trappable villain character for Skylanders Trap Team. Buzzer Beak can be trapped in an Air Crystal Trap and then be used as part of your Skylanders team. Buzzer Beak is not a purchasable figure.
Buzzer Beak Video Review
Read the written review HERE:
All Attacks | |
Attack 1 | Press Attack 1 to grow and spin the blades on Buzzer Beak's hat, damaging nearby enemies. |
Attack 2 | Press Attack 2 to lift Buzzer Beak off the ground, creating a vortex that draws in enemies. |
Evolved Upgrades | |
Attack 1 | Blades increase in size. |
Attack 2 | Buzzer Beak dive bombs the ground to damage enemies at end of attack. |