Today I figure out that we could have been moving down the Veteran 2 path even though we have yet to beat Luminous on Normal. So we begin by investigating the Veteran 2 path and getting credit for some of the things we have done and then going after a few that we maybe should have done.
Then we take on the Golden Desert on Hard as we try to unlock another level for me to grind rune pieces on. We recorded this a few days ago on one of the last days of the Holiday Roulette Event. As a result, we get our rewards and then try to gain more Skylander pieces so that we can level up and Awaken our Skylanders.
And what’s this? There is a Skylander we didn’t unlock? How did that happen? Our quest for Chop Chop pieces begins.
SkylanderNutts Plays Ring of Heroes (Part 39 – The Golden Desert on Hard)
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