Today I finally got around to showing the boys Rare Replay. It’s a collection of 30 Rare games that came out for the Xbox One in 2015 to celebrate Rare’s 30th Anniversary. Today the game can be found for under $20 and it’s truly a lot of game for your buck.
We start exploring those games today by playing Viva Pinata. Conner was very impressed with this old Xbox 360 game. We then tried out some of the older simpler games like Slalom and Atic Atak which were games I was not familiar with. Then we end on R.C. Pro-Am which apparently was only appreciated by me since I grew up playing that game on the old NES.
Since we only got through 4 games, and there are still quite a few decent games left we will probably take another look at this game soon. We probably won’t ever play all 30 games, but we definitely want to hit some of the bigger games that we didn’t get to.
SkylanderNutts Presents Rare Replay (Part 1)
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