Best is having a Black Friday in July sale. Early access starts today for Elite and Elite plus members. In the next day or two, the sale should open up to everyone. As of right now though there are some good deals on Skylanders SuperChargers. If you are a Gamer Club Unlocked member like me, you’ll see your 20% discount already applied to the sale price. You can pick up the starter pack for $19.99 ($15.99 GCU), single characters for $6.49 ($5.20 GCU), and vehicles for $7.49 ($6.00 GCU). Of course there is much more on sale at Best Buy but if you are still looking for some cheap Skylanders this is one way to go. These prices are only available online, and for now only available for elite members.
Here is a link to the Skylanders on sale, but you won’t see sale prices unless you are a logged in Elite member. Check out what is on sale here.
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